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Kayla O'Dell

By kro0006
  • Stage 3

    Dylan (Age 5) was curious about the world and began to assert his control and power through social interactions. Dylan would play outside and bring home snakes and geckos. When Dylan arrived home, his mom would yell and empty his pockets. In Erikson's third stage, initative versus guilt, the crisis is between taking initiatives, and seeing the cause and effect of relationships because of their actions. At this stage, there is a sense of guilt when they are punished for experimenting.
  • Stage 5

    Dylan (Age 14) began to question his identity and future. It is important to be able to form your own identity because you don't want to morph your own identity into those of others. In Erikson's fifth stage of development, identity versus role confusion, the crisis between finding your own identity through music, religion, hobbies or questioning your identity and eventually cauing unessesary issues in the future.
  • Stage 5

    Dylan (Age 21) and Kayla got married because they made the
    decision to love and cherish one another for the rest of their lives through sickness and in health. In Erikson’s fifth stage of development, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between becoming emotionally and physically close to others in committed relationships or being committed all to yourself.