
Katie Reidmiller WW2

  • Germany's invasion of Poland

    Germany's invasion of Poland
    Germany invaded from the west, and the soviet union invaded from the east. They planned to divide Poland. This impacted Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany in 1939
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    Rapid invasion and Surprise attacks used by the Germans known as a "blitzkrieg" or lightning war. It happened because they wanted to divide Poland. They attack Poland.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    Germans invaded France and the low countries during the second world war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    U.S. pacific naval fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor. December 7,1941 Pearl harbor got attacked. Roosevelt calls this "a day that will live on infamy." U.S. had sent all of its aircraft carriers and most planes to sea. Japanese disabled 19 ships, destroyed 188 airplanes, wounded 1,100 and killed 2,400. U.S. declared war on Japan.
  • D-Day (Normandy Invasion)

    D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
    Churchill, FDR, and Eisenhower planned a land invasion of France Stalin promised to attack Germany at the same time from the east. The invasion included 150,000 soldiers; 5,000 ships; 11,000 planes and gliders. D-day was known as "Operation Fortitude". The attack began June 6 1944. The Resistance blew up railroads and bridges to slow down the German response. They also spied on German troop movement. Allies went in on parachutes and on gliders behind enemy lines the night before the invasion.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The battle of Iwo Jima was a major battle in which the united states marine corps landed on and eventually captured the island. The American invasion designed Operation Detachment had the goal of capturing the whole island including three of the Japanese airfields. To find an area to attack the main islands of Japan. The five week battle was one of the most fiercest and bloodiest fighting of World War ll .
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Counteroffensive, happened on December 16th to Januay 25th, and was the last major German campaign on the Western Front during World War II. It was launched through the densely forested Ardennes region of Wallonia in eastern Belgium, northeast France, and Luxembourg, towards the end of the war in Europe. The offensive was intended to stop Allied use of the Belgian port of Antwerp and to split the Allied lines.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The Battle of Okinawa was a major battle of the pacific war found on the island of Okinawa. United States army/marine corps against Japanese Army. The battle lasted 82- days. After a big amount of island hopping the allies were planing to use the large island a a base
  • Dropping of the atomic bombs

    Dropping of the atomic bombs
    The president Truman decided to drop bombs in order to save American lives from land invasion. First they dropped a bomb on Hiroshima on August 6th it killed around 70,000 as soon as it dropped down; 135,000 was the final death toll on that day. Then they bombed Nagasaki on August 9th when the bomb hit 40,000 people were killed instantly; the final death toll was 50,000.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    The day japan had surrendered. This ended world war two.Sense then august 14th and 15th are known as V-J day
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Liberation of concentration camps
    Allied soldiers liberated the biggest and most infamous concentration camps in Auschwitz,Buchenwald, and Dachau. Tragecally the Nazis soldiers executed roughly 6 million Jews.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    VE Day was on may 8th 1945. Its the day that the Allies of World War ll defeated Nazi Germany. On April 30th 1945 Adolf Hitler the leader of the Nazi Party killed himself during the battle of Berlin