Period: to
William McKinley
Period: to
Kathy Herman
Eastman Kodak introduces $1 Box Brownie camera
President William McKinely assasinated
Period: to
Theodore Roosevelt
T-Rex discovered by Barnum Brown in Hell Creek, Montana
Einstein proposes theory of relatively
Oklahoma becomes the 46th State
Period: to
William Howard Taft
Boy Scouts Est. in U.S
The Titanic Sinks
First Crossword Puzzle
Period: to
Woodrow Wilson
Period: to
World War 1
1st Pulitzer Prize Awarded
Period: to
Russian Revolution
Treaty of Versailles Ends WWI
Women Granted Right to Vote in U.S.
Lie Detector Invented
Period: to
Warren Gamaliel Harding
Talking Movies Invented
Period: to
Calvin Coolidge
HOudini Dies after being punched in the stomach
Sliced Bread Invented
Period: to
Herbert Clark Hoover
Pluto discovered
Air Conditioning Invented
Loch Ness Monster 1st spotted
Period: to
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Parker Brothers sells the Game "Monopoly"
Period: to
Spanish Civil War
'Extinct' Fish found (Coelacanth)
Period: to
World War II
Leon Trotsky assassinated
Anne Frank goes into hiding
Ballpoint Pens go on sale
Period: to
Harry S. Truman
Period: to
Cold War
Bikinis Introduced
Period: to
First Indochina War
"Big Bang" Theory Formulated
Period: to
Arab-Israeli War
First Organ Transplant
Period: to
Korean War
Color TV Introduced
DNA Discovered
Period: to
Dwight David Eisenhower
Disneyland Opens
NASA Founded
Lasers Invented
Berlin Wall Built
Period: to
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Marilyn Monroe Found Dead
Period: to
Lyndon Baines Johnson
First Super Bowl
Sesame Street 1st Airs
Period: to
Richard Milhous Nixon
Beatles Break Up
Mark Spitz Wins Seven Gold Medals
Period: to
Gerald Rudolph Ford
1st Ebola Virus Outbreaks Strike Sudan & Zaine
Elvis found Dead
Period: to
James Earl Carter Jr.
Sony Introduces Walkman
Mt. St Helen's Erupts
New Plague Identified as AIDS
Period: to
Ronald Wilson Reagan
Period: to
Falklands War
E.T. Movie Released
Cabbage Patch Kids Popular
Period: to
Invasion of Grenada
PG-13 Movie Rating Created
Period: to
George Herbert Walker Bush
Period: to
Gulf War
World Center Bombed
Period: to
William Jefferson Clinton
Nelson Mandela elected President of South Aftica
Mad Cow Disease Hits Britain
Princess Diana dies in car crash
Titanic most successful movie ever
Apple launches iPod
Period: to
George Walker Bush
Period: to
War on Terror
Period: to
Afghanistan War
The Euro enters circulation
Period: to
Iraq War
Myspace launches
Pluto-demoted to "dwarf planet"
Bejing Olympics
Period: to
Barack Hussein Obama
Apple debuts iPad
Longest solar eclipse of 3rd millennium occurs
The Royal Wedding
Japan is devasted by 90 manitude earthquake and tsunami
Osama Bin Laden killed