Week 3 Timeline- Sir Karl Popper by: Logan Mains

  • Karl Popper. July 28th, 1902 - September 17th, 1994

    Karl Popper. July 28th, 1902 - September 17th, 1994
    Published Logik der Forschung (the logic of research) – provided new scientific methodology and importance of falsification, argued against Vienna Circle. Shared similar concerns with current methodology, but solutions were significantly different. Brought about how scientists use falsification instead of confirmation.
    (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica)
  • Karl Popper. July 28th, 1902 - September 17th, 1994

    Conjectures and Refutations; the Growth of Scientific Growth. He suggests that theories are fallible and the refutation is big moment during discoveries. (nemenmanlab.com)
  • Karl Popper. July 28th, 1902 - September 17th, 1994

    Realism and the Aim of Science- Popper explains that science aims at theories that can be explained, and that it must continue to question all theories. Routledge. "Realism and the Aim of Science." 1992. philpapers.org.
  • Karl Popper. July 28th, 1902 - September 17th, 1994

    A World of Propensities- Karl Popper submits that he does not disagree with with metaphysics, and proclaims that there is metaphysics within falsifiability.M.M.V. "A World of Propensities." 04 January 2011. philoscience.com. 05 January 2015.