Kaiser Wilhelm II's Life

By JasonEP
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen's Birth [10]

    Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen's Birth [10]
    On this date Wilhelm II was born. He was born to Fredrick III and "Victoria". Upon being born his arm was severely injured.
  • First day at the "Gymnasium". [10]

    First day at the "Gymnasium". [10]
    Not his exact first day at school. Wilhelms parents wanted him to be educated as a leader, to lead somewhat autocracy in form. He was the first of his family to attend a "Public school".
  • Welcome to the Heer! [10]

    Welcome to the Heer! [10]
    Upon victory of the Franco-Prussian war the Germany Army or the Heer, was formed in 1871. Wilhelm began military training in late 1879 at Potsdam.
  • Prearranged agreement. [10]

    Prearranged agreement. [10]
    Around the time of the Kaiser, marriages were set up by the Kings or Queens parents, sometimes these agreements were broken and war was set out. In this case, it went as planned. Wilhelm II got engaged to Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg.
  • Just Hitched! [10]

    Just Hitched! [10]
    Wilhelm II and Victoria finally got married. Their parents agreement went through, but not in benefit of Wilhelm. Wilhelm wanted a wife who would help him intellectually and help with direction.
  • Franco-Russo "agreement". [10]

    Franco-Russo "agreement". [10]
    Bismarck had a foreign policy with Russia, a Reinsurance treaty. Wilhelm was persuaded not to renew the treaty, which soon brought two of his "enemies" into an alliance.
    (Somewhat involved Wilhelm).
  • Anglo-German Alliance? [10]

    Anglo-German Alliance? [10]
    Wilhelm II admired the English power, he wished a friendship. Instead of a friendship his approaches were "hostile". He built up a German war fleet to protect merchant ships, Britain took it wrong.
  • Collapse of an Empire. [6]

    Collapse of an Empire. [6]
    Upon the destruction of an American vessel in a Havanan harbor the United states got involved in the Cuban War of Independence. America soon joined the war and won. The Spanish Empire gave up its land in the Philippines to America, same with Cuban land.
  • Questioning of the French Sphere? [10]

    Questioning of the French Sphere? [10]
    Bismarck encouraged the French to start a Sphere of influence in Africa. Wilhelm wished to reverse Bismarck's encouragement. Soon Wilhelm encouraged the sultan to stay free, which worsened Anglo and Franco relations on Germany. Soon a conference was set forth, and Morocco was advice on a new government.
  • Loss of a friend. [10]

    Loss of a friend. [10]
    Wilhelm II was currently away from Germany when his friend Franz Ferdinand was in Serbia. While in Serbia Ferdinand was killed.
  • A regard to war. [10]

    A regard to war. [10]
    Wilhelm didnt really want war with Serbia, as he know Russia would be involved. He wrote to Franz Hapsburg of Austria, "A brilliant solution and in barely 48 hours! This is more than could have been expected. A great moral victory for Vienna; but with it every pretext for war falls to the ground, and Giesl had better have stayed quietly at Belgrade. On this document, I should never have given orders for mobilisation". He was too late though. Austria declared war.
  • Russians and their bread. [6]

    Russians and their bread. [6]
    During the time of the Great war, Wilhelm II sent Vladimir Lenin back into Russia. Lenin was given money to raise up a revolution, soon it was sparked. The Bolsheviks rebelled and succeeded. This brought Russia out of the great war and let Germany focus on the western front.
  • "Fur mein Fuhrer!" [6]

    "Fur mein Fuhrer!" [6]
    Munich, Bavaria. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist party of Germany were planning to seize a beer hall where Bavarian Ministers usually drink, upon doing so he captured three ministers and threatened to shoot himself unless they agreed to join him in his revolution. The revolt failed and the Nazis were arrested
  • Welcome home. [6]

    Welcome home. [6]
    Wilhelm of Prussia, the crown prince of the former German Empire returns to Germany. It's a big deal to his father who was exiled from Germany. The Crown prince returned this specific day because his father lost the great war that day. He only came back to Germany because Hitler promised to restore the monarchy, which he soon denied.
  • Death of the Republic. [6]

    Death of the Republic. [6]
    After the fall of the German Empire in 1918, the Weimar Republic formed. The Republic formally fell on August 3rd, 1934. It fell the same time Hindenburg died, and Adolf Hitler took control of Germany.
  • Europes dark time. [6]

    Europes dark time. [6]
    Germany and the Soviet Union hated each other, their ideologies, and their people. This pact turned the stomach of every Nazi in Germany. The formalization of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. It formalized an alliance between Germany and Russia, it also secretly divided Poland between the two.