
  • Bad harverst

    Bad harverst
    LAte 1780's bad harvest sent food prices soaring and brought hunger to poorer peasant and city dwellers. People were fighting each other for food, but the most demanding kind of food was bread.
  • Period: to

    Moderate Phase

    The National Assembly turned France into a constitutional monarchy
  • Estates

    The estates gernal convened. Third estate took a daring step, claiming to represent the people of france. They declared themselves to be the National Assemby.
  • Debt

    Half of the government's income from taxes went to paying the interest on the enormous debt. Nobles were the tax collectors, but not all of the taxes that they collected went to the government but in their pockets instead.
  • The Great fear

    The Great fear
    The great fear struck the people , rumors ran wild, tales of attacks on vilages and towns spread into panic. Rumors that government troops were taking peasant crops. Inflamed byfamine and fear, peasants unleashed their fury and burned down old manor records and stole grain fro storehouses. The symbol of this fear was the guillotine.
  • Paris

    the city of Paris seized the spotlight from the Natioanl Assembly meeting in Versailes
  • meeting

    In a combative all night meeting, nobles in the National Assembly voted to end their old monorial dues, exclusive hunting rights, special legal status, and exemptions from taxes
  • Rights of Man

    Rights of Man
    As a fisrt step toward writting a constitiution the Assembly issued the declaration of Rights of Man and the citizen. This document was modeled in part on the American Declaration of Independence. Further procaimed that all male citizens were equal before the law.
  • constitution

    The National Assembly completed its task to produce a constitution, set up a limited monarchy in place of the absolute monarchy
  • Olympe de Gouges

    Olympe de Gouges
    Olympe de Gouges a journalist demanded equal rights in her Declaration of the Rights or Woman and the female citizen.
  • Louis's escape

    Louis's escape
    the king tried to escape to the boarder because he was being held inprisoned in his own palace. He went out in disguise but had failed, as he was being escorted back to Paris to many people Louis's dash to the boarder showed that he was a traitor to the Revolution
  • Women march

    Women march
    About six thousand women marched 13 miles in the pouring rain from Paris to Versailles. They refused to leave Versailles until the met their most important demand, that the king returns to Paris. Most of the anger from the women was directed at the queen Marie Antonette because of how she lived a life of great plessure and extravagance, this led to further public unrest
  • Threats

    By the early 1793 danger threatened France from all sides. The country was at war with much of Europe including Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, and Prussia.
  • Speech

    A speech was given by Robespierre as he explains why the terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution