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This timeline makes me put a month and day for everything, for some information I could only find years. Any entry that is on January 1st did not actually occur on that day and month, I just could not find the actual day and month. -
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Jean Piaget
Known for 4 stages of development and Theory of Equilibrium -
Pavlov publishes theories about his dogs and conditioning. -
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Erik Erikson
Known for Psychosocial Theory and Adolescent Identity Development -
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B. F. Skinner
Known for Operent Conditioning and his Teaching Machine -
Law of Effect
Thorndike publishes his Law of Effect. -
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Learning occurs when a there is a measurable change in behavior. THe change in behavior comes from practicing with a teacher giving reinforcement. -
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Benjamin Bloom
Well known for Mastery Learning and Bloom's Taxonomy -
Little Albert
Watson and Rayner condition little Albert to fear a white rat and other things with similar characteristics. -
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Students do their own learning, the teacher is just a facilitator. Students work in groups and have choices in projects and presentations. -
Theory of Equilibrium
could not find actual date so I used the year his last child was born since he based his studies off of his children The Theory of Equilibrium describes how children gain new knowledge. Existing knowledge is in schemas. They compare new knowledge with existing knowledge (assimilation). If the knew knowledge does not fit the schema it must be adjusted (accomodation). When a child is satisfied with its schema it is in equilibrium. -
4 Stages of Development
could not find actual date so I used the year his last child was born since he based his studies off of his children Piaget claims leaarning occurs in 4 stages: sensoimotor (age 0-2), preoperational (2-7), concrete operational (7-11), and formal operations (11+). Children are incapable of learning something of a higher thinking order than the stage they are in. -
Operent Conditioning
Operent conditioning is shaping a behavior towards a target response through the use of reinforcement. Skinner proved its posibility through rats and pigeons. -
The Behavior of Organisms
B. F. Skinner publishes his work on behaviorism. -
Period: to
Howard Gardner
Known for Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Project Zero -
Teaching Machine
Skinner's teaching machine was a mechanism that used immediate positive reinforcement to teach students arithmetic and spelling. He believed it would teach students better than traditional classrooms because each student could receive individual reinforcement. -
Bloom's Taxonomy
Bloom's Taxonomy is a group of words or descriptions at different levels of learning to describe a student's understanding of a concept or skill -
Psychosocial Theory
The Psychosocial theory suggests that a person's personality and identity are built in 8 stages throughout their lifetime with each stage focusing on a different virtue. -
Process of Education
Jerome Bruner publishes hid Process of Education. -
Adolescent Identity Development
Erikson believed that teachers can help facilitate an adolescent's identity development by giving them a safe space with consistant rules to question their role in society. -
Mastery Learning
In 1971 Bloom shortened his term Learning for Mastery to Mastery learning. Mastery Learning involves teachers using a formative assesment to understand each child's learning ability then using the results to re-teach topics in a different manner for those students who did not understand the first time. -
Project Zero
Gardner became co-director of Project Zero in 1972 and while he is no longer a dirctor, Gardner is still active in research today. Project Zero is a long-term conbination of research projects on the study of educational behavior , inelligence, creativity, and many other aspects of all ages. -
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Inteligences states that intelligence comes from seven different areas that are unrelated which explains savants and people with brain damage only being able to perform certain tasks or abilities. -
Psychology as the Behaviorist Veiws it
John B. Watson publishes his work on behaviorism. -
Social Constuctvist Theory
Vygotski develops his Social Constructivist Theory.