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Junior year - Introduction (click here first)
Period: to
A Whole New World Project
An SWLO (school wide learniing outcome) for this project is agency because i feel as though this isn't my best work. A portfolio should also show a few mistakes and this is one that I really learned from. -
Period: to
Rise of Industry Project
Period: to
Who are you? User Guide Project
User Guide
Period: to
Olympic Press
Cross Country Ski
ReflectionTo get the full experience of the Olympics our teacher had thelocal parks bring skiis and we went cross country skiing in the back of the school. To view my Olympics poster click on the time span below. Here is my reflection -
Period: to
POTUS Project
Student Led Conference 2
Th Artifact I chose is my new Reading score(picture may bot be shown yet) I have gone up in reading which is a great talking point. -
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Code Name...
Growth as a Writer
Growth as a Reader