Juan ponce de leon

Juan Ponce de León

  • Jan 1, 1474

    Birth of Juan Ponce de León

    Birth of Juan Ponce de León
    Juan Ponce de León was born in 1474 in the village of Santervás de Campos, Spain.
  • Apr 15, 1493

    His first voyage

    His first voyage
    Ponce de León joined Christopher Columbus during his second voyage for the new world, along with some 1200 sailors, colonists, and soldiers. In September, he left from Cadiz in southwestern Spain, on one of the 16 ships meant for the expedition of Columbus.
    Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/timeline-of-juan-ponce-de-leon.html
  • Jul 17, 1506

    1506 Ponce de Leon explore Island of Borinquin (Puerto Rico)

  • Apr 15, 1512

    Ponce de León contracted for more exploration

    Ponce de León was given a royal contract which outlined his rights and authorities to search for the 'Islands of Bimini' also spelled Benimy (in the Bahamas)
    Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/timeline-of-juan-ponce-de-leon.html
  • Period: Mar 4, 1513 to Oct 19, 1513

    In search of youth

    In search of the "Fountain of youth", Juan Ponce de León is believed to have discovered Florida during this expedition.
  • Period: Mar 15, 1513 to Oct 15, 1513

    In serach of the Fountain of Youth

    Ponce de León set out from San German in Peutro Rico with three ships, at his own expense, on March 4, 1513. After traveling for a few days, the fleet sighted land, which Ponce de León believed was another island. He named it as La Florida because of the beautiful flowers on its landscape. According to many historians, he discovered Florida while searching for the Fountain of Youth.
  • Apr 15, 1514

    Explorer knighted and given coat of arms

    Ponce de León secured a second grant, which gave him the power to make settlements on the Islands of Bimini and Florida. He was also knighted and given a personal coat of arms, which made him the first conquistador to receive these honors.
  • Jun 15, 1521

    Set out to colonize Florida

    Set out to colonize Florida
    Ponce de León set out with two ships which consisted of some 200 men, including priests, farmers and artisans, in order to colonize Florida. He landed on the west coast of Florida along with his fleet, but was met by Native American warriors.
    Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/timeline-of-juan-ponce-de-leon.html
  • Jul 15, 1521

    Death of Juan Ponce de León

    Death of Juan Ponce de León
    Due to wounds he suffered in battle, Juan Ponce de León died July 1521 in Habana, Cuba.
  • Statue of Juan Ponce de León built

    Statue of Juan Ponce de León built
    In honor of his exploration, a statue of Juan Ponce de Leon was built in Saint Augustine, Florida.