
Juan Pablo Avila's timeline

  • Born into the world

    Born into the world
    Being born in 1999 means a lot. I am younger than almost everybody in my class which makes it important because being my age surrounded around older kids shows what i am capable of. School wise and athleticism wise,it puts me at a higher standard.
  • Education begins

    Education begins
    Going to school for my first time in 2004 isn't that important. i did start school at the age of 4 and makes me younger then a'lot of people. It was good though that i started my education early which makes me smarter then most kids my age now.
  • Career begins

    Career begins
    Joining a basketball team impacted me a'lot in 2007. I went in not knowing what i was doing it was just something for fun at the time. It started being something i loved something that helped me stay healthy and fit and get my mind from a'lot of things going on.
  • Sad Loss

    Having my 3rd grade teacher passed away was devastating.She was probably the best teacher i ever had she treated me like her kid and i seen her as a mother figure. The day i heard that news it broke me into pieces.
  • Come back

    Come back
    When i got cut from my middle school team in the sixth grade it hurt at the moment but it opened up my eyes and my club ball coaches eyes. From that day and on he pushed me more than anyone, he had me in the gym with him every chance we had,he had me stay in extra hours with no-one but us two. Im glad i did get cut ,if i didn't i wouldn't be the person i am now
  • Travel

    Going on a trip to Las Vegas with my team was a great adventure and experience for me. What made it better is that they weren't only my team but my family the best family around. We all competed every game knowing we were the underdogs in the tournament we made it all the way to the championship but fell short and took second. Playing at the next level showed me what i need to do.
  • Freshman Madness

    Freshman Madness
    I came in my freshman year thinking i wouldn't get that much playing time being on varsity.I was shocked starting 6 games as a freshman with 6 seniors on the team.All the hard work and extra hours being put in really helped and developed my game to the next level.
  • Transfer

    Transferring to Tolleson is probably one of my biggest regrets ever. Although i regret it, i made lot's of memories being here with one friend who helped me get through the year.I have to make the most of what i have at this school and maybe carry them on my back.
  • A bond never forgotten

    A bond never forgotten
    When our basketball team went to page we had no chemistry what so ever. Being in a bus together for, four hours together brought us together and built a bond. We started clicking together hanging together more,and trusting together it helped our team a'lot.
  • A blessing in my way

    A blessing in my way
    Meeting Brittany was a blessing.She became someone i looked up to, someone i wanted to be , she made me want to do better to be someone better to be something in life. She impacted my life in many ways and im blessed to have her in my life.