Period: to
WW ||
Germany's invasion of Poland
at 4.am germay invaded poland over 3million germain soilders invaded poland germany bvomb 20 ships and bomb polish navl head quaters and bomb polish air feilds so they could not defend them selvesu boat attacked also 1,700 poland civillans lost there lives and 3,400 polish soilders lost there lives adolf hitler said it was a form of defence but britan and france did not belive them so they declared war on germany which cuased world war 2 -
Operation Barbarossa
Adolf Hilter launched his armies eastward in a massive invasion of the Soviet Union,there was three Great army groups with over three million German soldiers,150 divisions,and three thousands tanks smashed across the frontier into Soviet territory.German combat had reached its apogee,in trainig,doctrine,and fighting ability.The greatest mistake that Germans made was to come as conquerors not as liberators they were determined to enslave the slavic population and exterminate the jews. -
Pearl Harbor
December 7,1941 hundreds of japanese fighter planes attacked the American.The japanese managed to destroy nearly 20 American naval vessels,including eight enormous battleships,and more than 300 airplanes.More than 2,000 Americans soldiers and sailors died in the attack, and another 1,000 were wounded.The President Frankiln D.Roosevelt asked congress to declare the war of japan.The japanese allie's Germany and Italy also declared War on the United States. -
Operation Gomorrah
Britain had suffered the deaths of 167 civilians.More than 1,500 German civilians were killed in that first British raid.Britain lost only 12 aircraft in this raid.The U.S eighth air froce began more comprehensive bombing run of northern Germany,which included two raids on Hamburg during daylight hours.When it was over 17,000 bomber sorties dropped more than 9,000 tons of explosives,killing more than 30,000 people and destroying 28,000 biuldings. -
D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
this is the day the allied forces landed on the beach at Normandy. They were invading Northen France .They were there to attack german forces who were there -
Battle of Iwo Jima
Three U.S marine landed on the Island in february 19, 1945.Iwo jima was defended by roughly 23,000 japanese army and navy troopsl. -
Battle of Okinawa
Tenth army against 130,000 soldiers of the japanese thirty second army. By the end of the 82 day campaing,Japan had lost more than 77,000 soldiers and the Allies had suffered more than 65,000 casualties including 14,000 dead. -
VE day
On this day 1945, Great Britain and the United States celebrate Victory in Europe day. Cities and both nations,as well as formerly occupied cities in Western Europe,put out flags and banners,rejoicing in the defeat of the Nazi War machine. -
Dropping of the atomic bombs
They dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima,instantly killing around 80,000 people.Three days later a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki,causing the deaths of 40,000 more. -
VJ Day
On August 15,1945 ,it was announced that japan sourrunded uncondiotionaly