Journey Through the Life of Kaylin

By Joy6799
  • Moved to Washington

    Moved to Washington
    Moving to Washington was a huge change for me at the time. Though I was only three I was very conscious of the move and it was crazy moving somewhere so far from home. My whole family is in Arizona and it was a tough thing to leave everyone I was used to seeing everyday behind.
  • Came back to Arizona

    Came back to Arizona
    This was a great time for me. I had told my mom once I turned five I wanted to go back home, to Arizona. I was so happy to be back with the rest of the family and back to the place I knew and loved.
  • Abused by my step-dad

    Abused by my step-dad
    This was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I was young and impressionable and thought everything was my fault. I went to court for two years after the event and went through a lot of difficulties mentally. However it was for the best as I saved my step-sister from having to endure anything and I came out a stronger person.
  • Moved to Prescott and met my long-time best friend Sabrina

    Moved to Prescott and met my long-time best friend Sabrina
    Sabrina is my best friend. She's more than that, she's my sister. I love her to death and she's always there for me. I didn't know it then but meeting her those many years ago was the start of a very important relationship.
  • Met Dakota, thought the world of him

    Met Dakota, thought the world of him
    I loved Dakota since the day I met him, well, a few months after I met him. I thought he was annoying at first but once I got past that I met a wonderful person. He has a heart of gold and I wouldn't be here today had he not always been there to look out for me.
  • Moved back to Phoenix with my mom, we finally had a place of our own

    Moved back to Phoenix with my mom, we finally had a place of our own
    My mom is important to me. When life wasn't good, she was there to make the best of it. Through thick and thin we were always there for each other and we always had each other's backs above all else. Getting this place with her meant the world and it finally meant a good life for just the two of us.
  • Went to see my favorite band of the time Rush

    Went to see my favorite band of the time Rush
    During this time living with my mom, she took me to see Rush. It was the greatest moment of my life! I had never seen a concert before, and it was all the greater being there with my favorite person seeing my favorite band. I never wanted it to end.
  • Got close to my real father again

    Got close to my real father again
    My relationship with my father had been rocky up to this point. He wasn't consistently present and it hurt. I finally explained this to him and he apologized. He's taken great strides since then to rebuild our relationship and I couldn't be happier about it. Iv'e always loved my dad and I've enjoyed having him back.
  • Kicked out of my house and living in Prescott with other family

    Kicked out of my house and living in Prescott with other family
    Things with my mother got a little rocky as I suppose they can when your'e a teenager and I had to leave. I now live with my grandparents and I think it's for the best. I have more for me here and though things aren't great with my mom now I have to tel myself it'll be worth it. We can get close again after some time, we'll both be the better for it.
  • Started dating Dakota, still means everything

    Started dating Dakota, still means everything
    This day is my favorite. after loving him six years we were finally together. Like I said, were it not for him looking out for me, I wouldn't be here today. I owe him my life and and whether we stay together or not he will always be one of the most important people in my life.