Joshua Chew's Timeline

  • Birthday

    I was born on November 1st, 1996 in San Francisco, California.This is the day that I was born, and will always remain significant to me. This is because this day marks when I was able to begin life as a person, to see the world from the outside of the womb. To be a fully functioning human being who wasn't physically connected to another person.
  • First rode a two wheel bike

    First rode a two wheel bike
    This signifies more than just riding a bicycle, but overcoming my fears in life. This was one of my first acts of developing my character traits, and showing bravery.
  • Moved to Canada

    Moved to Canada
    This signifies the first time that I left the comfort of the state of California. I used to think that everywhere in the world was as warm as California. This taught me that in different places in the world, customs and the general environment are different.
  • Started to use the internet

    Started to use the internet
    This began my exploring of the internet, the tool that almost everybody uses now. But at such an early age, the internet was new. It was a place filled with knowledge, information, and fun. You could have met a person without talking to them physically, and talk to a person without judging them by their appearance. This helped me to understand that a person's personality doesn't reflect on their looks.
  • Got my first golf clubs

    Got my first golf clubs
    This marks the day that I began my interest in the field of sports. This helps round out my personality as a person, and have a fun way to express myself physically. It also allowed my father and I to bond more often, creating a father son relationship that's very strong. This is why obtaining my firs t golf clubs is important and significant to me.
  • Started to play the piano

    Started to play the piano
    On my ninth birthday, my parents bought me my first intrument. This was the first time I was able to express myself using the sound of music. This date is significant because I was able to expand on my interests in the study of the arts.
  • Started Secondary School

    Started Secondary School
    Started my advanced education in a brand new environment, with thousands of new faces. This was a huge step in my life because I've never experienced such a change at that time. I learned to adjust to different learning styles, different cultures, different systems, different everything. This is very significant because this was my step into adulthood.
  • Started tutoring

    Started tutoring
    This date and event is significant in my life because I'm starting to take my education seriously to plan for my future. This is very important because I haven't been doing my absolute best and needed a push in life to motivate me. This is why starting turtoring is imporant to me.