Proclamation Act
King George III banned settlement west of Applachian Mountains due to potential threat of local Native Americans.Colonies were Offended because they believed they had claim to colonize western land. @britlawz I want my land don't you dare take it from us #outwest -
Period: to
Causes of the War
Sugar Act
The Sugar act was enacted when taxes were increased on non-british produced goods.However this bothered the colonies,as they were being taxed without their own consent. @britlawz why don't we get to decide on our taxes #notaxwithoutrep -
Stamp Act
This act occured when British parliament required legal documents,newspapers,and pamphlets to use specially "stamped" paper that had an extra tax imposed upon it.Again,colonies were annoyed as they were being taxed without their consent. @kgIII why do you want our papers to be stamped and taxed so much? #nopaperifwepay -
Quartering Act
Happened when Colony assemblies were required to pay against their wishes for British Garrisons supplies.The Colony of New York disagreed,claiming they did not have to pay. @thegreatgarrison no we shall never comply to pay for your supplies! #nopaysupply -
Declaratory Act
Parliament Decided to Repeal the Stamp Act,but still claimed that they had the right to decide how to tax colonies.The colonies disagree,as they still are against being taxed without representation. @ParliamentIsPower You may have gotten rid of those taxes,but we don't want any taxes!!! #notaxforcolonies -
Townshend Act
This event was when taxes were placed on tea,glass,lead,paper,and paint to help contribute to the colonies administration.As always,the colonies disagree with being taxed without their own consent. @taxmasterking us colonies do not want your taxes when we paint our houses or drink tea #noteatax -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre happened when a group of British Soliders arrived at the harbor of Boston and a crowd of colonists were not happy to see them.The Soliders then proceded to open fire,killing three Americans and fatally wounding another two.The soliders were convicted not of murder,but lesser crimes.This event showed colonists how brutal the British could be to the colonists,and they would need to fight back for free rights. @britishbrute stop attacking our people its wrong #thebrutish -
Tea Act
A Specific tea company in England (East India Company) was exempted from the taxes placed on tea and were allowed to sell tea directly to the colonies.This angered the colonies,as they saw this act as a British Company unfairly getting around laws. @EAC how come other companies have to get taxed but you don't talk about momma england's boy #notaxnosale -
Boston Tea Party
The Tea Party was the event when British Ships carrying tea showed up at Boston Harbor,and the colonists rebelled against the tax on tea by disguising by Indians,boarded the tea ship,and dumped all the tea into the ocean. @britishbrats we don't want that tea anymore so we are sending back in the ocean!!!! #teataxnomore -
Coercive Act
The Act when various changes occured with the Colonies,such as banning the unloading and loading of ships in the Boston Harbor,protection is given to royal officials,and most goverment officials are now under control of the king's decisions.This angered colonists as a lot of freedom and rights were now taken away. @parliamentpests hey don't you dare stop us from parking our ships on boston harbor come on it was just one tea raid #teataxterrors