Jose de San Martin

  • The birth of Jose

    The birth of Jose
    February 25, 1778: This is the day that Jose de San Martin was born. He was born in Yapeyu, Province of Corrientes, Argentina. Jose parents were Juan de San Martín and Gregoria Matorras. They were Spanish.
  • Jose de San Martin's achievements

    Jose de San Martin's achievements
    1812,1818, and 1821: Jose was an Argentine soldier, statesman, and national hero who helped lead the revolutions against Spanish rule in Argentina(1812), Chile (1818), and Peru (1821).
  • Jose de San Martin's marriage

    Jose de San Martin's marriage
    September 12, 1812: Jose got married. He got married to María de los Remedios de Escalada. They had one child. Their child was a daughter and her name was Mercedes Tomasa de San Martín y Escalada.
  • Jose's daughter

    Jose's daughter
    August 24 1816: Mercedes Tomasa de San Martín y Escalada was born on this day. She was born in Mendoza, Argentina. Her parents were obviously José de San Martín, María de los Remedios de Escalada.
  • Francisco Xavier de Luna Pizarro

    Francisco Xavier de Luna Pizarro
    1822: In this year Francisco Xavier de Luna Pizarro then participated in the efforts for the independence of Peru. And then was the president of the first Constituent Congress of 1822.
  • Francisco Xavier de Luna Pizarro writing the constitution

    Francisco Xavier de Luna Pizarro writing the constitution
    1823: This year Francisco Xavier de Luna Pizarro wrote the constitution of 1823. After José de San Martín renounced as the "Protector of Peru". Luna de Pizarro was chosen as interim President until the investiture of José de la Mar.
  • His wife's death

    His wife's death
    August 3, 1823: That is the day that Jose wife María de los Remedios de Escalada past away. She was very successful in life. Her cause of death was Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but they can also damage other parts of the body.
  • Jose's death

    Jose's death
    August 17, 1850: Jose died on this date. He died in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. The cause of his death was natural causes. Jose died in his house. At the age of 72.
  • His daughters death

    His daughters death
    February 28, 1875: On this date Mercedes Tomasa de San Martín y Escalada past away. She died in Brunoy, France. Not much information about her cause of death.
  • About his burial

    About his burial
    May 28, 1880: That date was Jose de San Martin's burial date. It was in Catedral Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina. He said in his will to be taken to the cemetery without any funeral. Also to be moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, afterwards.