Jokela school massacre 2007

By foremh1
  • 11:40am Pekka-Eric Auvinen Tuusula Finland enters school grounds

    The perpetrator was a student at the school and had missed his first lesson
  • 11:42 1st victim

    In the corridor of the school he encountered a student and killed him
  • after 1st victim shot

    Auvinen moved to the lavatories, while other students who found the vicim assumed that he was unconscious from falling over as he had a bump on his head
  • 11:46 Four more students and a nurse killed

    At the lavatories Auvien fatally shot 2 more students, prompting the school nurse to call the emergency services. After shooting and killing another student outside a lavatory he ran after the nurse shot her and killed her.
  • 11:47

    Head teacher, Helena Kalmi was alerted to the shooting by another teacher she made all of the students and teachers get together in a room to hide inside there classrooms announcing over the PA system.
  • Auvien began shouting

    Auvien shot his gun total 53 times in the corridors randomly.
  • A mother is spared

    At this point the shooter encountered a mother of a student as she entered the school but didn't kill her. He let her go.
  • Auvien shot 3 times through a door to a classroom

    He attempted to enter a classroom shooting 3 times through the barricaded door and shooting a student in the toe
  • one more student killed and another escapes

    Auvien then he traveled to the schools 2nd floor finding 2 students sitting down: 1 student escaped uninjured but the other was shot and killed
  • Tries to set fire to the school
