Johns life

By 705554
  • makes pledge to stay abstinent

    Your parents tell you to not have sex, smoke, or drink
  • weight gain

    he gained weight, he lost it by going to gym
  • achohal

    he want stop drinkng alchohal
  • friend drinks and drives

    tell your friend they could lose there own life or hurt somebody elts in a car acciednt.
  • friend drinks on weekend

    he wants his friend to stop drinking because it can cause, mental health issues, such as depreesion. it can cause liver problems, it can cause heart porblems, it can cause socail problems.
  • family memebr starts smoking

    he is worried they will get cancer, heart diesases , emphazema, aging.
  • death of mother

    his mom died in a car accident. he coped by talking to others
  • death of brother

    first felt nothing because in shock. then felt sad because reality hit him.
  • health dieaseases

    realizes at risk for, heart dieaseas, depreesion, cancer, and angxiety
  • 1985

    The physical changes are they might get a beard, emotional they might get mad easier