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John Wilkes Booth Plan to Kill Lincoln

  • Booth wandered in Despair

    Booth wandered in despair when he found out that General Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia surrendered to the Union
  • Booth threatened to kill Lincoln

    " 'That is the last speech he will ever give' " (Swanson 8).
  • Booth asked Mary Surratt to hold onto his things

    He would come later in the evening to pick up his gun and ammunition
  • The Lincolns arrived with no guards at 8:30 at Ford's Theater

    Who's idea was that?
  • Booth entered the Theater

    He sneaked into the vestibule and box and now no one could follow him.
  • He shot the gun at 10:13 p.m. and Rathbone tried to stop him

    Lincoln had not seen Booth coming and the bullet rested in Lincolns brain. Rathbone tried to fight Booth but got stabbed by Booth
  • Booth scrambled on the stage and shouted some last remarks

    "Sic semper tyrannis" which means "Thus always to tyrants."
  • Booth escaped and got on a horse from John Peanut

    He rode to F street and past the Herndon House. He barely crossed the bridge from persuasion.
  • Booth had lots of pain in his left leg as he rode

  • Booth and Herold rode their horses off

    The rode off into the southeast in order to search for a safehouse
  • Lincoln was coming to Ford's Theater

    Booth found out that president Abraham Lincoln and his wife were coming to Ford's Theater to see Our American Cousin. They also brought Ulysses S. Grant with them.