John Wilkes Booth

  • Booth attempts to kidnap Lincoln.

  • Booth attempts to kidnap Lincoln.

  • Confederate captain, Richmond, fell to the Union

  • General Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia surrendered

  • Lincoln's speech provoked Booth to assassinate Lincoln.

  • Atzerodt's assignment was to assassinate the vice president at the Kirwood Hotel.

    He would sneak into his hotel room and murder him with a gun and knife.
  • Herold and Powell's Assignment was to assassinate the Secratary of State

    He would sneak into the SEcratary's house go into his bedroom and assassinate him
  • Arzerodt Proposed they should Assasinate the President at Ford's Theatre

  • Booth's Assignment

    Booth decided he would be the one killing the president.
  • 8:30 P. M. The Lincoln's enter the theatre

  • 10:00 P. M. Booth goes into the Star Saloon

  • 10:13 P.M. Booth murdered Lincoln

  • 8:00 P.M. Booth gets his conspirators together

  • Herold and Powell's Assignment

    These two were assigned to kill the Secretary of State. He was sure to be at home because Seward needed to recover after a terrible carriage accident. The only reason Herold was coming was to guide Powell out of town after they killed Seward.
  • 9:00 P. M. Booth went inside the theatre

  • Booth left the city and entered a safehouse