
John Wilkes Booth

  • Background

    Family moved to Maryland in the United States sometime during June of 1821 (John was later born on May 10th, 1838).
  • 13 Years Later

    13 Years Later
    Attended St. Timothy's Military Academy; Met Samuel Arnold and Micheal O'Laughlen, both of whom would later become involved in Booth's attempt to kidnap and, later, murder Lincoln.
  • J.B. Wilkes

    J.B. Wilkes
    Made his first stage debut sometime during August at age 17 and was billed the name "J.B. Wilkes".
  • "The Handsomest Man in America"

    "The Handsomest Man in America"
    Became a member of Richmond Theater, and his career started to take off. He was reviewed as the "most handsome man in America".
  • Civil War and Hatred

    Civil War and Hatred
    Civil War broke out. Booth still lived in Maryland, a border state that was kept loyal to the Union under martial law , a view that many, including Booth, viewed as unconstitutional and an abuse of executive power. This was the start of Booth's hatred for President Lincoln.
  • Arrested

    Booth was sympathetic to southern cause, which led to him getting arrested for making anti-government remarks: started plotting plans to kidnap/kill President Lincoln.
  • Kidnapping Attempt

    Booth put together a group of southern sympathizers. They all attempted to kidnap Lincoln en route to a play near the Soldiers Home, but the president never showed. Booth later learned that the President had changed plans at the last moment to attend a reception at the National Hotel in Washington, which ironically was where Booth lived
  • Lincoln's Assasination

    Lincoln's Assasination
    At Fords Theater, Booth sneaked into Lincolns box, waited for the right moment, then fatally shot him in the back of the head. Booth was now on the run.
  • Booth Found and Killed

    Booth Found and Killed
    Soldiers finally found Booth trapped in a tobacco barn, refusing to surrender. The soldiers then set the barn on fire, and Sergeant Boston Corbett, against orders, fired at Booth and fatally wounded him in the neck. Booth was dragged from the fire and he died on the porch of the farmhouse.
  • Greenmount Cemetery

    Greenmount Cemetery
    After being identified, the body was released to the Booth family. It was then buried at Greenmount Cemetery in Baltimore.