john f kennedy got married
on this or used to be when john f kennedy found someone to be got married with jacqueline kennedy onassis -
Peace corp
Kennedy vreated this to help the poor live a better life than they do know -
Kennedy Vs Nixon
The election bewtten kennedy and Nixon and the day that the Kennedy ara began -
first Catholic preisdent
he became the first Catholic preisednt after beating Nixon for the preisednt seta -
Bay of pigs
It was involve with cuba Castro was plainning to over throwen Nikita and athen all of sudden the U.S.A goverment got in it -
US vs Vientumen
we have been in a big war against viutem and still we lost -
the death of John F.Kennedy
john f. kennedy was on his way to t meeting and then he got sniped and conformed that john f kennedy was dead -
Kennedy was apart of call of duty black ops 1
since the bay of pigs were mention in black ops and the missle crisies than the needed to add John F. kennedy -
John f kennedy has a website in his honnor
The link to his website.they made a websiete to tell us what he has accomplished i couldnt find when the website was made or its copyrights -
created the NASA
he created the NASA TO make his country the first countery to land on the moon