John dupre 1

John Dupré (1952-)

  • Period: to


    John Dupré has an impressive scholarly resume attending Oxford as an undergrad, earning a PhD in Philosophy from Cambridge University, and completing two years of post-graduate studies at Stanford and Princeton.
  • Philosophy of Biology

    Dupré was the a pioneer of sorts. He chose to have a focus on Biology rather than physics, as most philosophers choose to focus on physics. Dupré also advocates for a pluralistic model rather than reduction-ism. Reduction-ism being that things can be reduced to a lowest common factor. Dupré believes this is not possible, as with pluralism, things co-exist as one.
  • The Disorder of Things

    The Disorder of Things
    John Dupré publishes his book on where he stands as a philosopher of science, a manifesto of sorts. Within it it he critiques science as being fluid opposed to the belief that it follows a specific method. It essentially is an anti-thesis to everything that science stands for.
  • Darwin's Legacy

    Darwin's Legacy
    Probably what I consider Dupré's best work. While he agrees that Darwin's theory of evolution is best for animals, it does not explain a lot of other things such as humans (language, culture, and sexuality), or how the idea of evolution does not apply to a species as a whole but rather isolated populations.
  • Mr. President Elect

    Mr. President Elect
    Currently, John Dupré is the elected Vice-President of the Philosophy of Science Association and is set to take over as President in 2021. I can not imagine this is an easy feat to achieve and takes a lifetime of work to climb this mountain.
    Below is a video of John Dupré delivering a lecture in a series about Darwinism. It is an hour long.