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John Dewey

  • Birth

    John Dewey was important due to John’s attempt at accommodating the scientific thought process to his own views on how things should work. John’s view on epistemology, and his rejection of it led him to pragmatism which followed him throughout his life. In the link posted to a video of John speaking he clearly communicates this thought process into words.
  • Period: to

    John Dewey Life

    IEP. “John Dewey, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP).” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2020,
  • Psychology

    John Dewey released his writing “Psychology” which attempted to accommodate experimental Psychology and Idealism.
  • The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology

    n the Reflex Arc of Psychology, John drove the point that an “organism interacts with the world through self-guided activity that coordinates and integrates sensory and motor responses” (IEP, 2020). Reference:
    IEP. “John Dewey, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP).” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2020,
  • Education News Reel John goes on to say that you can go to school and obtain a degree, and life will be easy for you, but does not mean you learned anything. However, if that is not an option- you can work your tail end off and receive an education, but he caveats this with stipulations that it will require more work and become more difficult.
  • Death

    John’s pragmatist outlook on becoming educated vice getting a degree meant that you, the organism would have to interact with the world to become smarter, with or without the degree. He understood life was much easier with a degree and did not downplay that.