Joey's Milestone

  • Form/ Phonology milestone at birth

    Produces reflexive sounds. This is when the child produces sounds to express discomfort or distress. Joey cries when she is hungry, tired, or needs her diaper changed.
  • Form Pragmatics

    At birth, Joey begins to develop a relationship with her parents.
  • Content

    At birth: Joey’s family isn’t very loud, she respondes to any type of noise. She’s able to use prosodic characteristics in order to listen to the noises she is hearing.
  • Period: to


  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 2 months

    Shows signs of a universal listener: This means that the child is able to discriminate speech sounds from different languages. Joey demonstrated this when she is able to recognize the different sounds of English from Spanish.
  • Form Pragmatics

    At 2 months, Joey is using joint attention, becoming aware of strangers and unfamiliar surroundings. (Zone of proximal development)
  • Content at 2 Months

    Joey is able to mouth certain object due to infant speech perception. Shed abele to recognize different patterns and sounds.
  • Form Pragmatics

    At 4-8 months, Joey begins to recognize his own name and participates in joint attention as well as attention seeking, requesting, greeting, transferring, protesting or rejecting, responding or acknowledging, and informing.
  • Content within 4-8 Months

    With awareness of action and intention, Joey looks for her favorite toy in the same place where it’s always placed. Since she is more aware of her surroundings she's able to pick this concept up and looking for things in places that she sees her parents putting them in.
  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 6 months

    Produces reduplicated babbling. This is when the child repeats C-V pairs. Joey starts producing sounds like ba ba or ma ma.
  • Phonology at 12 Months

    Joey is using jargon when talking to adults meaning she is not yet speaking.
  • 8-12 Months (content)

    Joey said her first word “da-da” and understands when mom says “bye-bye”
  • Pragmatics at 8-12 months

    At 8-12 months, Joey is now able to seek attention as well as joint attention. Joey points to objects and things she see’s or wants.
  • Pragmatics at 12 months

    Joey is able to use referential gestures, line of regard, gestures, voice direction, and body posture to infer intentions underlying other people’s actions.
  • Period: to

    Toddler Milestones

  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 16 months

    Joey is able to produce 25% of all words clear enough for others to understand her. She also tries to imitate words that she hears from others.
  • Pragmatic at 16 months

    Joey is able to use verbal turn taking.
  • Content at 16 Months

    Joey starts using Negation words like "no" to communicate. Her vocabulary is limited to 3 to 20 words.
  • Form/ Morphology at 18 months

    Joey's MLU is about 1.31, and she is able produce single word sentences such as no, help, and go.
  • Syntax at 18 months

    Joey mostly uses single nouns in her utterances like when she wants to play with a ball she will say "ball".
  • Pragmatics at 20 months

    Joey has the ability to communicate two concepts with any two words, such as "Mommy up" when the asking to be picked up or with verbs like "want crackers" or "dog go!"
  • Content at 20 Months

    Joey's vocabulary has now expanded to about 50 words. She is now using grammatical morphemes like "ing."
  • Pragmatics

    Joey starts to use heuristic thinking by asking others for information to learn about the world, imaginative thinking by making up stories about imaginary friends, and informative thinking by using language functions to inform others.
  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 24 months

    Joey recognizes rising intonation and begins to produce it. She learns the pattern of how the voice rises at the end of a sentence when asking a question and begins to demonstrate this.
  • Form/ Morphology at 24 months

    Joey's MLU has increased to 1.92. She is able to produce two-word sentences now: her commonly used one is "Mommy here." She also starts using present progressive -ing such as eating or dancing.
  • Content at 24 Months

    Joey is now using prepositions in and on. Her vocabulary has increased to a significant number, that being about 200 words. She is also able to comprehend about 500, which means that she's going through an "explosive period".
  • Syntax at 24 months

    Joey is now using two elements in her utterances. She will now say "Mommy cookie" when wanting a cookie.
  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 28 months

    Joey demonstrates phonological processes such as manner of articulation changes. An example of this would be saying fwiends instead of friends. Instead of producing the liquid "r", she did a glide "w" instead.
  • Pragmatics at 28 months

    Joey starts to introduces and changes discussion topics as well as engages in short dialogues.
  • Content at 28 Months

    Joey is now starting to use overextension/overgeneralization with most new words she's learning. An example would be Joey learning the word ball and using that to describe any other round objects.
  • Syntax at 30 months

    At 30 months Joey says "I want cookie". Joey has moved up to three elements to her utterance which is the beginning of her forming a complete sentence.
  • Morphology at 30 months

    By 30 months Joey is using more plurals and the preposition "in" in her utterances. This allows her sentences to be more complex and a little more complete.
  • Pragmatics at 32 months

    Joey starts to ask questions and clarify things during discussions, but she is still learning how to recognize when she is not understanding what is being said and is not likely to ask for clarification.
  • Content at 32 Months

    Joey's word comprehension has grown drastically to approximately 900 words. She is now using single sounds and single verbs along with contractions like "won't."
  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 34 months

    80% of the words that Joey produces are understood by others. She overcame most of the phonological processes including mispronouncing the word "friends."
  • Pragmatics at 36 months

    Joey starts having longer conversations with other people that involve many conversational turns.
  • Content at 36 Months

    Joey's use of words has now expanded to about 500 words. She is now able to ask simple questions.
  • Syntax at 36 months

    Joey is now continuing the emerge more independent clauses by using four elements in a sentence. These will now be more complete thoughts.
  • Morphology at 36 months

    Joey has now moved on to using more prepositions and began using possessives. She is now able to give labels to a persons item or thing.
  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 36 months

    Joey begins to develop shallow phonological awareness abilities such as rhyme awareness and syllable awareness. She knows that cat rhymes hat and bat. She also knows how to identify the number of syllables in a word by clapping.
  • Period: to

    Preschool Milestone

  • Pragmatics at 40 months

    Joey starts to modify their words in response to situations. (Conversational Repairs). For example, “Oh my bad, I meant this one” while talking to her mom about food.
  • Form/ Morphology at 40 months

    Joey is familiar with using pronouns such as he, him, she, and her. She is also able to use to different adverbs of time such as now, today, then, and tomorrow.
  • Syntax at 40 months

    Joey uses subject-verb-object-adverb sentence structure since they are using adverbs of time more consistently.
  • Content at 40 Months

    Joey is now able to understand 1000-1500 words and can comprehend 1500-2000 words. When her mom describes something as rough, she is able to understand that relational term.
  • Pragmatics at 44 months

    Joey starts to understand indirect requests made in connection with nonverbal pointing during conversations. For example, “Joey, please put your snack in the trash once you finish it.” This shows that Joey does what mom told her and obeys her commands.
  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 44 months

    Joey has mastered most of the phonemes in English. She still has problems with pronouncing r and l.
  • Syntax at 44 months

    Joey begins using contractions in their sentences consistently. Joey also uses articles and past tense.
  • Content at 44 Months

    Joey now refers to her siblings as sister and brother. She comprehends the use of kinship terms along with the use of syntactic information.
  • Pragmatics at 48 months

    Joey began to discourse function using interpretive, logical, participatory, and organizing functions. She also describes true narratives from the past, present, or future using decontextualized language. For example, "Hey Mom, guess what we did in the gym today?" "We got to play with a big parachute."
  • Form/ Morphology at 48 months

    Joey starts using contractible auxiliaries in a sentence like "she's eating". She often uses irregular third person verbs like has, does, and was. She is in stage five of Brown's Stages.
  • Syntax at 48 months

    Joey is now using 4 to 7 words in a sentence with more complex parts of speech.
  • Content at 48 Months

    Joey is overextending new words with the basics of the object function. She can use reflexive pronouns such as himself and herself
  • Pragmatics at 52 months

    Uses indirect requests. For example, Joey asks her dog to be quiet while watching TV.
  • Morphology at 52 months

    Joey uses irregular plural forms consistently in her sentences. These are plurals that do not always follow the "s" or "es" plural like "feet".
  • Content at 52 Months

    Joey is starting to ask questions like "what did the dog say?" and others that start with "what do" and "what does".
  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 54 months

    Joey is intelligible in connected speech. When she is having a conversation, most of the time people can understand what she is saying.
  • Pragmatics at 56 months

    Uses narrative with a sequence of events. For example, "When we go to the mall, we always go to Auntie Anne's," Joey explains.
  • Content at 56 Months

    Joey's word comprehension has increased to 2500-2800 words. She is now able to use 1500-2000 words.
  • Form/ Phonology milestone at 58 months

    With own-name advantage, Joey is able to recognize and able to learn the letters that are in her name earlier than the other letters. She was able to identify J, O, E, and Y earlier than P, Q, and R.
  • Synatx at 58 months

    Joey is now combining five to eight words in a sentence.
  • Pragmatics at 60 months

    Uses direct requests and repetition for conversational repairs. For example, "Can you give me my IPod, my IPad back?" Joey asks her mom.
  • Morphonology at 60 months

    Joey has mastered copula like "to be" and auxiliary forms. Joey is also beginning to master grammatical and derivational morphemes.
  • Content at 60 Months

    Joey can now use deictic terms. An example is, "This is my toy." She uses other words like that, here, and there.