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  • Born

    John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1953, in Brookline, Massachhuets, Lived in Boston most of his life. He did alot with his family.
  • College

    John F Kennedy went to Harvard College. he graduated in Jne 1940. He studied childhood illness.
  • MIlitary Career

    MIlitary Career
    Served in the military in 1941.
  • Major Events

    National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundly altered the President Kennedy that a major international crisis was at hand. The CIA have pictures that show conclusive evidence that a soviet missle base just 90 miles from the coast off of Florida. The ships end up turning around.
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    Cuban Missle Crisis

  • Occupation

    John F Kenedy was a politician before his precidnecy. He was also elected state sentor in 1946 to 1952.
  • Marrige and children

    Marrige and children
    Married on Septemeber 12,1953 to Jacqueline Kennedy. They had nine children
  • Presidency

    John F Kennedy was elected Presisnt of the Untied States. Hies term of office ran from 1961-1963. His Vice President was Lydon B Johnson. He represented the Democratic Party
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  • The Death of John F. Kennedy

    The death of President Kenndy was commited in Dallas Texas by Lee Harevy Oswlad. He was open top car with his wife Jacqueline at the time of his death. His death was marked as the 4 th and the youngest president to be assassinated durning their presidency.
  • Conclusion

    President Kennedy grew up in Boston. He was married on May 29, 1917 and had nine children. He grauduated from Harvard in Cambridge Massachettes, June 1940. He became a politican and a senator. JFK was elected President on November 18, 1960. He November 22, 1963. His leagcy will continue through his children, grandhildren, and great grand children.
  • Fun Facts

    Fun Facts
    1. JFK suffered from Addison's Disease a chronic where the adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones. It can lead to severe illness where it can cause severe illness where it can lead to very low pressure to coma to death.
    2. He did not like former President Dwight D. Eisenhower who reffered to him as "little blue boy".