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By nerdak1
  • JFK family and brith

    JFK family and brith
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917 to a wreath family he was the 2 of 9 kids his family called him Jack. His family had a strong politic back ground his younger brother Robert was the itinerary gernale. His baby brother Edward was the Senator of Massachusetts.
  • JFK graduation

    JFK graduation
    JFK was a smart man. He got his Degree in international affairs. He graduated in June 1940. After that he had some downtime before joining the the navy.
  • jfk in ww2

    jfk in ww2
    newpt109.webs.com John the mility in the year of 1943. His ship was the PT-109, he was on the ship when it was shot down. Very injured he led the suvivers to the safty. when back to Massachusetts and in to polictes.
  • the start of Jacky and John

    the start of Jacky and John
    http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/Life-of-Jacqueline-B-Kennedy.aspx John met Jackie, when Jackie was doing a column for Washington Times Herald and john was running for senator Massachusetts. On September 12,1953 in St. Mary’s Church they were husband and wife.
  • jfk and the space race

    jfk and the space race
    The space race was a race to see who can get in to space first. The the Sovit Union go the first man to orbit the earth. Then the Sovits got the first team in to space. We were falling behind but we made one fainl push. Jfk made NASA to lead amirca in to space. On July 20th 1969 they had landed on the moon. Even though JFK was not alive to was the one to make that push to the moon.
  • jfk and vienam

    jfk and vienam
    LBJ and Nixson was the men that the army will acted under the Vienam war. But JFK sent the men to Vienam to stop the rise of the N. Vienam communism. JFK was the president to send the military to help S. Vienam. His goal was to make the S. Vienam army stronger then leave but they counldn't make the army stronger. So they had to interven.
  • jfk and Marti luther king

    jfk and Marti luther king
    http://answers.ask.com/Society/History/when_did_the_civil_rights_movement_end How did jfk support the civil rights movement? Jfk support the civil right movement Because he was tired of the law to split the people apart and he said “for a nation to stay strong we must work together because if we fight we split and lose all strength."
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    The Cuban is a very scary time in America because the Soviet moved to Cuba witch is right off the coast of southern states. The after the president was told about this he desided to keep it on the down low for the time being. he had a meeting with his advisors on how to deal with this after hours they come up with a chose. What they did was they put a ship blockaced. It saved Amirca from a war.
  • Death of JFK

    Death of JFK