
  • Period: to

    Enabling Act

    The purpose of this law was to create propaganda that makes Hitler look like a good leader, so that everyone votes for him to be the new chancellor for Germany.not enough jew information
  • Civil Service Law

    This law was put in place to remove jews and political opponents of Nazis from civipositions, or like everyday places including, School, University, and government jobs. This didn’t apply to people who had been in the job before August 1941, people who had fought in World War 1 or lost a father or son in the war.
  • Education Law

    by law-jewish people were targeted by the law
    Who did the law infected individuals-they had to leave schools and go to private schools do to this many jewish children he couldn't have an education
  • Sterilization Law

    400,000 germans were sterilized from january 1934 to may 1945 and they couldn't have children because they didn’t want more disabled people