jewish laws of per-ww Nazi Germany

  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    The enabling act was to have huge consequences for the citizens of Nazi Germany.It was officially called the 'Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich.' If passed, it would effectively mean the end of democracy in Germany.
  • Aryan Law

    Aryan Law
    all jews were kicked out of cival serves
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    the jews were not allowd to exprees them selfs and do things they wanted they just had to do what was told
  • Jewish name change

    Jewish name change
    jews had to change there names the men had to to have isreal names and wonman sarah.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    the night of the broken class was when the Gremans came a brooke the jews windows and store classes
  • Jewish Star Requirement

    Jewish Star Requirement
    all jews from ages 6 are forbiding to appare in public without displaying a jewish star.
  • Jewish Boycott

    Jewish Boycott
    After the Nazis came to power in Germany on april 1, 1983, the Nazi leadership decided to stage an economic boycott against the Jews of Germany.
  • Berlin Book Burning

    Berlin Book Burning
    the Berlin book burnning were german students from berlin who burn to book from the writers that were germans