Jewish Holocaust laws

  • Civil Service Law

    Civil Service Law
    This established the ability for the Nazi Party to legally remove people that they thought were not cable of working from the civil service profession. This includes doctors, teachers and lawyers. This law was used to clean up Germany through excluding Jews from key areas of the German community.
  • Law Against the Over-Crowding of German schools

    Law Against the Over-Crowding of German schools
    This law dramatically limits the amount of Jews that are in a school. Jewish population of Germany was about 500,000 people out of a total population of 67 million. It required an end to any Wiemar teachings that discussed democracy and equality, also enforced the teaching of racial pride.
  • Citizenship and Denaturalization Law

    Citizenship and Denaturalization Law
    This law allowed the Reich government to take away the citizenship for the undesirable. It applied to people that were given a citizenship by the Weimar government. The people that saw this law first were 150000 Eastern Jew in Germany.
  • Hereditary Farm Law

    Hereditary Farm Law
    This law made it to where Jews couldn't own farm land or start a job in agriculture. This law didn't have much an effect because of the lack of Jews hat were farmers. They government still passed this law though to secure the foundation of their blood line through land inheritance.
  • Editors Law

    Editors Law
    This law forbid everyone that wasn't Aryan to work in journalism. The association kept registries of editors and journalists, and they excluded Jews and those married to Jews from their work. Propaganda ministry expected Editors and journalism's to work in the field.
  • Havaara agreement

    Havaara agreement
    This was an Agreement between the Jewish Agency and the Nazi regime. They were to put Jewish immigration to Palestine. The Nazi's made it to where Jews had to give up their property before leaving Germany but the agreement let them keep some of their belongings.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    This law is three new laws to further to keep watch and exclude Jews from German Society. These laws also served as legality for the arrests and violence against Jews that would later come up. These laws were designed to take away Jewish rights of citizenship witch allowed the German officers to to what they did to them. Jews weren't allowed to marry an Aryan.
  • Reich Ministry of Education

    Reich Ministry of Education
    This law banes Jewish teachers from public schools. They were also forced to teach only Jewish schools. If they didn't do that they were taken to a camp were they were punished and the officers may have threatened their family's to get the to do what they wanted.
  • Reich Ministry of the Interior

    Reich Ministry of the Interior
    Jews must surrender their old passports. If They want them to become valid it will be after the letter J has been stamped on it. The government requires them to be identify themselves in ways that will separate them permanently from Germans.
  • Madagascar Plan

    Madagascar Plan
    This was a plan set by the Nazi German government to relocate Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar. This was supposed to happen but British naval blockade. It was postponed after the Nazi lost the battle of Britain in September 1940. This was still a major step even though it was not followed through when they tried 3 times to make it happen.