Jewish History, I guess

  • 1812 BCE

    abraham moves

    abraham moves to canaan
  • 1812 BCE

    God tells abraham to circusize every jewish male

    so that they can represent the covenant
  • 1652 BCE

    Israel wrestled god / angel

    he wrestled an angel / god
  • Period: 1544 BCE to 1522 BCE

    Joseph and the rainbow coat

    Josephs story
  • Period: 1392 BCE to 1271 BCE

    Moses Story

    exodus and ten commandments
  • Period: 836 BCE to 796 BCE

    king soloman

    king soloman comes to power and constructs a holy temple that houses the ark, Israel splits
  • 555 BCE


  • 555 BCE

    judah give the name of judaism and the jews

    because judah was the sole surviving kingdom, it gave his name to judaism and the jews
  • 422 BCE

    the babylonians conquer israel

    the babylonians conquer Israel and destroy the holy temple
  • 370 BCE

    the jews return from exile

    Cyrus frees the jews and rebuilds the holy temple (and also recks the babylonians)