Jessica was born
Started using telegraphic speech
Started using overgeneralized speech
Started using grammatical speech
Gained ability to modify others
Started kindergarten
Started High School
Graduate High school
Start Coollege at Mo State
Graduate from college
Move to New York
Get Married
Get first real job acting job
Confidence in my identity
Have first baby boy Ivan
Vacation with husband to Hawaii
Daughter Delilah is born
Ivan starts KIndergarten
Delilah starts Kindergarten in 2031
Ivan starts coach pitch baseball
Delilah starts soccer
move from New York City to Hoboken
Ivan starts high school
Delilah starts highschool
Ivan graduates Highschool
Delilah graduates highschool
I open an acting school for kids
Ivan gets married
Delilah gets married
First grandchild is born, Ivan's son
Husband and I go to France for 35th wedding anniversary
second grandchild is born, Delilah's daughter
Kids throw husband and I a surpise 50th wedding anniversary
Celebrate 80th birthday
Hearing loss
First grand child gets married
2nd grand child gets married
1st great grand child
2nd great grandchild
Die in my sleep, peacfully