jesse day

  • Sep 7, 1440

    Johann Gutenberg

    Johann Gutenberg took what had already been discovered, and created a small invention that changed history, and that invention was the printing press.Without the printing press we wouldn't have had the Scientific Revolution or the Renaissance. Our world would be very different
  • Jan 1, 1492


    The Reconquista a long series of wars and battles between the Christian Kingdoms and the Muslim Moors for control of the Iberian Peninsula. It most of the Middle Ages from 718 to 1492.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Portugal and Spain along a meridian,the lands to the east would belong to Portugal and the lands to the west to Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John & Sebastian Cabot

    In 1497 the cabots sailed west from Bristol hoping to find a shorter route to Asia, a land believed to be rich in gold, gems and other luxuries. After a month, he discovered an unknown land – he called it 'new found land', today still known as Newfoundland in Canada.
  • Jan 1, 1512

    Encomienda System

    When the natives were conquered they were required to pay tribute or perform work for Spanish landowners. In return the Native Americans would receive protection from other tribes, education, and Christianity.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Protestant Reformation: Henry VII & Elizabeth I

    the Protestant Reformation started in England when henry vii was excommunicated from the Catholic Church and started the Protestant Church of England. he was able to get the nobility to go along with him by giving them church property.
  • Roanoke

    The first British Colony of Roanoke's leader wasSir Walter Raleigh. They built a fort and houses, planted crops, and looked for gold. Around a year later hurricanes and Indians forced them to go back to England. Also the survivors began starving because the Indians had stopped giving them food. This first colony of Roanoke lasted a total of 10 months
  • Richard Hakluyt

    Richard Hakluyt was an English writer who wrote A Discourse Concerning Western Planting in 1584. He encouraged English merchants and the government to adopt a policy of maritime trade.
  • Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain embarked on his avoyage to New France. Champlain landed at Québec on July 3, 1608, with a crew of 28 men. Unaccustomed to the very harsh living conditions, only 8 crew members survived the first winter.
  • Slave Trade

    Slaves for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade was originally in Senegambia and the Windward Coast. Around 1650 the trade moved to west-central Africa the Kingdom of the Kongo and neighbouring Angola.