Rape of Nanking
The capital of China fell to Japanese forces and General Matsui ordered Nanking to be destroyed to break moral. The city was burned, 200,000 men were killed, and 20,000 women were raped many of whom were also killed. Although one positive came from this in that Matsui was accused of war crimes and executed.
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Germany Invasion of Poland
About 1.5 million German troops contributed to the invasion of Poland. Luftwaffe and U-boats were also included in the attack bombing airfields and naval targets. Hitlers plan was to enslave the Slavic people as he deemed them racially inferior although Hitler claimed it to be a defensive action. After Hitler took Poland and occupied it 3 million Polish Jews were executed also deporting regular Slavic people.
https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/germans-invade-poland -
German Blitzkreig
The German tactic called "lightning war" or blitzkrieg was first successfully used in Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. It was an effective and fast way of smashing through enemy lines with vehicles directed through radio which disorganized the enemy, this allowed Germany to take large amounts of territory at once. This had the effect of Germany literally destroying everyone at the beginning of the war.
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Pearl Harbor
The naval base Pearl Harbor on Hanalulu, Hawaii was bombed by Japanese fighters. The Japanese were attempting to cripple Americas naval forces so they don't interfere with Japan's conquest near to America's own islands. Crippled around 20 naval vessels over 300 planes and killed 2,400 and injured 1,000 people. As consequence America soon after declares war on Japan.
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Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
A violent uprising in the ghetto by the Jewish captives in order to prevent deportations to Nazi-run extermination camps. This revolt inspired others across German-occupied Eastern Europe. Although the Jewish did not fully succeed they held the Germans back for over a month and killed several hundred, truly heroic.
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156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces landed on beaches along France's Normandy region as well as paratroopers landing inland. Considered largest water assault in history. The use of deception tricked the Germans into suspecting a different invasion target. In the end France was liberated and a large blow was dealt to the Nazis.
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Battle of the Bulge
Hitler wanting to turn the tides on the allies after D-Day decided to re-do his 1940 offensive. 200,000 German troops an 1,000 tanks pushed through the Ardennes Forest and created a bulge along its front line. Although it was a terrifying experience the allies pulled through and shrunk the bulge.
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Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle between America and Japan while America was trying to island hop over to Japan. 21,000 Japanese forces against America's 70,000 U.S. Marines, but the Japaneses had a terrain bonus taking advantage of Iwo Jima’s mountainous landscape and jungles. In the end all but 200 Japanese forces were killed and America suffered nearly 7,000 deaths, but ultimately Iwo Jima Falls to American Forces.
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Battle of Okinawa
The last major WWII battle consisting 180,000 U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps troops. The Japanese let the American take the objective airfield that is crucial for an invasion of Japan in order to surprise attack. Americans won the island but suffered 49,000 casualties including 12,520 deaths.
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VE Day
Otherwise known as Victory in Europe. After the Soviets started smashing the Germans on this date the Germans laid down their arms. Although this marked the end of the war for some and victory for Germany it was different and it resulted in mass exodus and suicide.
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Dropping the Atomic Bombs
The United States used the first atomic bombs on Japan in order to end the war quickly. The bombs were used to level the civilian cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing 120,000ish people. Although this was quite gruesome it led to VJ Day.
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VJ Day
Victory in Japan Day. After the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan unconditionally surrendered. On September 2 Japans formal surrender took place on the U.S.S. Missouri marking the end of WWII.
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