Jeremy Graham - WW2

  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    July 7, 1937 - September 9, 1945 In 1931 Japan attack china when it was weak taking over Manchuko. China then contacted the League of Nations to help. Japan was told to leave. They then returned in 1937 taking over many cities such as Shanghai. Russia supplyed China with guns along with the nazis for a short time until Japan joined the axis powers. By 1940 there was no progress being made on either side. Japan eventually left to fight the U.S.
  • Germany's invasion of Poland

    Germany's invasion of Poland
    On September 1, 1939 Hitler bombed many of Poland's communications, Railroads, Military, and Artillery. He then took to the ground decimating Poland forces with calvalries, tanks, and better weapons.
  • Invasion of Paris

    Invasion of Paris
    In September after Poland was taken over France prepared for a fight. On May 10, 1940 the fight came and was taken over by German forces the same way they took over Poland. In July they took 13,452 people to concentration camps
  • German Blitzkreig

    German Blitzkreig
    Blitzkrieg meaning Lightning war was a tactic used by the Germans that would send in planes to do a bombing run then send in vehicles to clean up the rest. Later troops would run in to secure civilians.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa was the code name German forces used for their plan to take over Russia. 3 million Germans with thousands of tanks between the distances of around 2000 miles.The attack launched on June 22, 1941. It is known as one of the most brutal battles in history but was a crucial point due to the war on two fronts Germany had to face. It was officially over on December 5, 1941.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1941 Japan bombed a American outpost in Hawaii killing over 2000 men and injuring more then 1000. Afterwords FDR requested for war between Japan and congress passed it.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    A conference of leaders in Germany created a plan called "The Final Solution" to exterminate the Jewish community which involved stages within the plan. This infamous Final Solution is what 6 million people to die.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    On April 9th 1942 America surrendered Bataan Peninsula. 75,000 Americans and Filipino were made to walk 65 miles to prison camps. 1000s died from the walk in the overwhelming heat and Japanese beating them as they walked.
  • Battle Of Midway

    Battle Of Midway
    On June 4, 1942 Japan and the U.S. went into naval combat with the U.S. winning. U.S. was able to crack the code of Japan forces and knew what they were going to do. America also knows this event for taking revenge for Pearl Harbor
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad started August 23, 1942 and ended February 2, 1943. This battle is debated to be one of the most important battles of the war and gave hope to the Allied soldiers fighting. The city was industrial and obtaining it would cut off many of Russia's transport. The Germans tried to push and eventually did in September but then were pushed out again by Russian forces again in November. On January 10 the German forces surrendered even though Hitler said to fight to the last man.
  • Allied invasion of Italy

    Allied invasion of Italy
    September 3, 1943 the Allied powers land in the Italian peninsula. That day Italy surrendered but wasn't revealed to the public till the 8th. The allied used this to there advantage they allowed Italy to join the Allied powers and drove Germans out of Italy.
  • D-Day

    on June 6, 1944 the Allied forces stormed Normandy with 160,000 troops and 50,000 miles of beach. The allies lost 9,000 solders but was able to make it up the beach.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    February 14, 1995 American troops fighting Japanese troops in hazardous conditions and Japanese having an advantage. The battle lasted about a month and in the end the Flag was raised creating the famous picture taken by Joe Rosenthal.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    May 8, 1945 is the day Nazi Germany officially surrendered (8 days after Hitler committed suicide). The new president Donitz surrendered to the allied powers. Many are mourned that day but a celebration is also had.
  • Potsdam Declaration

    Potsdam Declaration
    Potsdam Declaration was the Japenese Surrender and the terms they agreed with. The negoatiaons went from July 17, 1945 to August 2, 1945 and ended World War 2
  • Dropping the atomic bombs

    Dropping the atomic bombs
    August 6, 1945 America dropped the first bomb on a city known as Hiroshima killing many innocent people to make Japan surrender. When the bomb fell it killed 80,000 dead. 3 days later the U.S. bombed Nagasaki killing another 40,000 from the same plane known as the Enola Gay. One of the five member tried to attempt suicide but failed.