
  • The Origin

    In 2001, an email campaign was released to the public urging people to record "Jedi" down for their answer to the religion classification question in their country's census.
  • Birth of the Jedi Temple

    In 2005, the Temple of the Jedi Order was registered in Texas, and was given proper IRS tax exemption.
  • The Church of Jediism

    Daniel Jones founds the Church of Jediism with his brother, in belief that the 2001 census of the UK deemed Jediism a religion.
  • Supermarket Incident

    In 2009, Jones was asked to leave a Tesco supermarket in North Wales because he wouldn't remove his hood in the store because of his religion. Later, the shop owner justified his statement with the claim: "He hasn't been banned. Jedis are very welcome to shop in our stores although we would ask them to remove their hoods. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Luke Skywalker all appeared hoodless without ever going over to the Dark Side and we are only aware of the Emperor as one who never removed his hood."
  • Jedi Marriage

    In 2013, the Free Church of Scotland grew concerned that a new bill passed by the government would permit Jediists to marry couples. Patrick Day-Childs of the Church of Jediism and Reverend Michael Kitchen from the Temple of the Jedi Order both defended their rights for Jedi to perform marriages.
  • Construction of the Jedi Temple

    In spring of 2015, students attending a university in Turkey started passing around a petition, demanding that a Jedi temple be built on the campus. This spiked a fad of multiple other school's students proposing for different Buddhist and Jedi temples be built on the grounds of their schools.
  • Charitable Rejection

    Near the end of 2016, the Temple of the Jedi Order was denied charitable organization status by the Charity Commission for England and Wales, after they ruled that the Temple was not promoting any sort of moral or ethical improvements under the purpose of charity laws.