Japanese Invasion of China
In 1937–1938, the Japanese overran most of northern and central China. The Chinese refused to surreneder, and kept fighting for survival until they eventually won. Japan made her war with China part of World War II, a war in which she met total defeat and was forced to surrender all she had gained in China since 1931 and more. -
Germany's Invasion of Poland
Germany had over 1.5 million troops in its invading of Poland, with it's 1,750 mile border with German controlled territory. To Hitler it would bring living space to Germany, and Germans could colonize the territory. About 65,000 Poland troops were killed during the battle, with 420,000 being captured by the Germans, this alsoled to the beginning of WWII -
German Blitzkrieg
On this day, 300 German bombers raid London and would continue to be bombed until May 1941. -
Pearl Harbor