World War 2 Timelime. Shelby Hill and Riley Wehr

  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    In 1937,Japanese Army forces invaded china near Pe’ping (North China). This was caused by wanting to protect railroad interests and spurred into a full-out war with the Marzo Polo Bridge Incident The Japanese then captures Nanking, and began a massive of hundreds of thousands of people. This went with sexual assault of over 20,000 women. As a result, there were geared of antagonism between the two and a city left in ruins.
  • Germany’s invasion of Poland

    Germany’s invasion of Poland
    On September 1, 1939, German Nazis invaded Poland. Biter led his troops there and his quest to obtain more land. While there, they terrorized the people there and eventually would set death camps. This would lead to the start of WW2. This even would not have had such and impact if Germany and the Soviet Union did not have a non-agressive act.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    While taking over poland in 1939-1940, Hitler had a new strategy. He used Blitzkreig. This was extensive bombing beforehand to destroy enemy air capacity, railroads, Communications and munition dumps. From there, a large-scale land invasion took place. The germans then picked off the lash remaining resistane, leading to the total take over of Poland.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    Germans entered Paris during WW2. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill tried to convince Paul Reynaud, French Governor not to sue for peace. Reynaud sent president FDR a telegram asking for an aid-a declaration of war, and any help possible. Two million Parisians had already fled while German tanks tolled into Paris. However, the few that remained cheered as Canadian troops rolled through their region, while the U.S didn't remain completely idle. The Axis powers were froze.
  • Operation barbarossa

    Operation barbarossa
    Taking place in June of 1941, Hitler decided to attack another Soviet territory. He brought three great Army groups, 150 divisions , and 3,000 tanks to Stalingrad. This attack was Operation Barbarossa. Though Hitler was heavily armed, colder weather weakened his men. The Soviets pushed through and drove him out of Stalingrad.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    In early December 1941, the Japanese attacked the United States on Pearl Harbor. The random attack was caused by strained relations between Japan and the US. 360 Japanese War planes descended into the base. Many of our Pacific fillers were destroyed. Their actions caused the US to official join WW2.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    January 20, 1942, near the end of WW2, the Wannsee Conference commenced. After being directed by Hitler, Horman Goering gave the orders to carry out the “final solution”. This brought the “gas vans” into play, causing mass amounts of Jewish extermination. The reason for this large- scale murder was fear that the Allied Powers would see what had been happening, so the germans attempted to hind the evidence.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    US surrender of the Bataan Peninsula on the Philippine Island of Luzon to the Japanese. The 75,000 American and Filipino troops on Bataan marched 65 miles to prison against their own will. During this march the conditions were horrible. It was extremely hot and the troops marching were treated very cruel by Japanese guards. Thousands and thousands troops perished, which holds its name as the Bataan Death March.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    June 4 1945, Admiral Nagumo launched his first strike into midway. This led to extreme damage to the United States installation in Midway. After these strikes, America decided to strike back, however it did little damage to Japan and was quite beneficial to us. By the end of the battle, Japan was forced to withdraw the area. They suffered the loss of 322 air crafts and 3,500 men.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    considered by the greatest Russian patriotic war, the Battle of Stalingrad was considered one of the bloodiest battles in history. With more than two million citizen and military casualties resulting in this battle. Angry at Hitler for bailing out in an agreement, the soviets attacked, during a weak point for Germany. Because soviets were used to winter and German had little supplies, this allowed room for a soviet victory.
  • Operation Gomorrah

    Operation Gomorrah
    In July 1943, the British had had enough with Germany’s bombs raids and strikes back. To make up for the 167 civilian lives lost in Britiain, British aircrafts dropped bombs on Hamburg. This killed more than 1,500 German civilians. These attacks continued until november, and resulted in a massive lost for the Germans.
  • D-DAY (Normandy Invasion)

    D-DAY (Normandy Invasion)
    From 1939- 1945, the Battle of Normandy raged on. Also known as “D-Day” or “ Operation Torch”, this caused Ally liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany. 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces found their way onto the beaches of France’s Normandy region This battle would get Germany forces almost completely out of France.
  • blitzkrieg of the blitzk

    blitzkrieg of the blitzk
    In December 1945 Adolf Hitler attempted to slplit the allies in Europe. The reasoning for splitting the allies would be to prevail a surprise blitzkrieg. Shocked, american untold tried to fight back. However, this all resulted in heavy casualties.
  • Operation Thunderclap

    Operation Thunderclap
    Operation Thunderclap, also known as the firebombing Dresden, was allied fire bombing raids against the Germans on February 13, 1945. The allies tried to use this as the last push for Hitler tried to surrender. While this city had little war time production, it was said to be a communications center. The city of Dresden was left in shambles, with 135,000 citizens dead.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    February 19, 1945, US Marines stormed the bombed-out island of Iwo Jima. Iwo Jima was one of the few islands being taken over in an attempt to inch closer to Japan. During this war, the Japanese actually had little loss. The island was eventually taken over by the allies, specifically the Americans.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day, happened May 8, 1945. The Germans finally surrendered to the Soviets after large losses. Surrender documents were signed in Berlin and Eastern Germany, but a million Germans attempted to escape to the west. They had to be captured by Soviet forces.
  • Dropping of the atomic bombs

    Dropping of the atomic bombs
    Due to the actions committed on Pearl Harbor, and Japan's state of war, Harry Truman decided he was going to drop two Atomic Bombs over Japan. He planned on dropping these two atomic bombs on Japan for mass destruction, and destroying everything industrial. On August 6, 1945 "Fat Man" and "Little Bpy' was dropped to destroy everything under and above ground so that we would be superior. "Fat Man" was the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki, and "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima.
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    August 14, 1945, Japan surrendered to the allies. This day market the end of World War Two. VJ means Victory over Japan Day, this was used on multiple occasions. VJ Day has been used on August 14, and 15 as well as for the 2nd of September. It was used 09/02/1945 when Japan's surrender took place aboard the U.S.S Missouri In Tokyo Bay. This was Japan's surrender uunconditionally to the allies ending World War Two.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Liberation of concentration camps
    Soviets were the first to send force into the camps. When the surprise of the attack was recognized, the Germans attempted to god the evidence. They tried creamating, burnig snd butying.Liberated by Generals.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    As o one of the last battles of WW2, the Battle of Chinawa (April 1, 1945) took the Navy's fifth fleet and 180,000 US and Army and Marine Corp. personnel. The Japanese troops confused the American troops by holding fire and keeping cover. At the end, after the fighting, many Japanese troops took their own lives, and General Ushijima and General Cho committed ritual suicide.