april 28th 1997
born on april 28th 1997 -
2nd year of life
first birthday, -
3rd year of life
turned 3 years old -
4th year of life
turned 4 years old. -
5th year of life
turned 5 -
had social problems
i was very shy to friends and family really never talked, i had a social problem. -
how i solved the problem
i delt with this problem by going to see a doctor i didnt know what for but he helped become more talkative and not so shy. -
Familt relative starts smoking
my aunt told me she stopped smoking but know she smokes in the car when im with her or even in her house i dont like it, it can hurt me also, im scared my aunt could get cancer, or even bronchitis, also a weakned immune system. -
got the flu
this month i had the flu for the entire week i put an hot rag on my face, ate crackers and drank lots of fluids. something i would have done different would have been to wash my hands after using the bathroom wear a coat when its cold out side and not eat things off the ground. -
A lost ocurs
i was only 13 when my mom died and was very dramtic and it will damage me for the rest of my life its hard growing up without a mother. -
by creaying a health goal, im going to stay in shape by running, playing basketball and eating the right nutrient. to by maintaing my weight. -
stressful event
an stressful eveny occurs my body is growning and every day i wake up or play basketball i get these pains in my knees, im so tired and stressed out all the time, i stayed postive and streched to get better. -
bestfriend starts drinking, i dont like hanging out with him nemore he gets weird i tell him to stop but he doesnt listen he wants me to drink to but i told him no, he can drink and drive, start missing school, get into a car accident or get pulled over. -
we were at this party and without me knowing my friend was drinking he wanted to go home me knowing he is drunk i took his keys way and said no im driving. you cant drink and drive if you get pulled over you can get fined and do jail time even get your license tooken away and worst case sernario you get into a accident and die or kill somebody else.