Jacobs Life

  • First Birthday

    First Birthday
  • Black Belt

    Black Belt
  • First Homecoming

    First Homecoming
  • Drivers License

    Drivers License
  • Eagle Scout

    Eagle Scout
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
  • First adult job

    First adult job
  • Marriage

  • Buying my first house

    Buying my first house
  • First Family vacation

    First Family vacation
  • Responses

    1. My timeline tells myself that I am going to have a good future. I am going to have a good job and a family and a fun life.
    2. I would be pretty different. I wouldn't probable choose to change many things in my life other than maybe starting baseball earlier in life. I could possible be going to college for baseball if I had started earlier and been better.
    3. My future is pretty fixed. I know that I want to go to the University of Arkansas and get a good job but I don't have a specific job.