Wolfgang Pauli Neutrons
In a famous letter written by him, Pauli said that, in addition to electrons and protons, atoms also contained an extremely light neutral particle which he called the "neutron". -
Enrico Fermi Nuclear Chain Reaction
He Invented The First Nuclear Chain Reaction -
Clemens C. J. Roothaan and George G. Hall
Derived the Roothaan-Hall equations, putting rigorous molecular orbital methods on a firm basis. -
Clauss Jönsson
Performed Young's double-slit experiment for the first time with particles other than photons by using electrons and with similar results, confirming that massive particles also behaved according to the wave–particle. that is a fundamental principle of quantum field theory. -
Pier Giorgio Merli
Performed Young's double-slit experiment using a single electron with similar results, confirming the existence of quantum fields for massive particles.