Algebra Class
As a high school sophomore I befriended and worked with a peer who was blind in my Algebra class. I recall how we helped each other, how much we benefited from each others strengths. I remembered offering to , "help" him. I was well intentioned in my offer but proved to be hugely ignorant in my assumption that I would somehow be able to capture Algebra more easily than himself. -
Observations as a young teacher.
In my first year as a public school teacher at San Rafael High School I had the pleasure of working with several students with learning disabilities. I was struck by my observation that they were in fact some of the more interesting and creative students with whom I worked. I clearly observed that they were not less, "intelligent" than there non-disabled peers but simply learned differently. Often their avenues for learning impressed and fascinated me. -
No Child Left Behind
Assessment of students with disabilities. IDEA mandated that students with disabilities participate in state assessments. Some schools inappropriately administered modified assessments to students who chould achieve proficiency on the general test to artificially raise scores. The higher scores meant more money for the schools general budgets. -
Befriended a SPED teacher.
While working for SFUSD in a school of the arts (as a new teacher) I befriended one of my colleagues who was a Special Education Teacher/Case Manager. At the time I knew very little about Special Education and the IEP process. The teacher I am refering to did an amazing job and was extremely invested in the students on her caseload. I recall being hugely impressed not only by her personal dedication but the system that gave her students the legal right to such an ind. and tailored education. -
SCOE Transition
After fifteen years as an employee of SFUSD (having taught French and Music for ten years and Special Education, Moderate/Severe for five years) I moved to Sonoma County and was hired by SCOE as the SPED Transition Teacher for Petaluma. I was (and still am) struck by the vast amount of support with employment and independent living opportunities for people with all forms and severity of disabilities.