Ivan The Terrible Timeline

By Tbbarr
  • Jan 1, 1530

    Spinning wheel

    Spinning wheel
    At this time all European countries had been using the spinning wheel which made more fabrics available throughout the world.
  • Aug 25, 1530

    Ivan The Terrible is born

    Ivan The Terrible is born
    Ivan was born in Kolomenskoye. Kolomenskoye is a former royal estate situated several kilometers to the southeast of the city center of Moscow, Russia. His life is significant because he had become one of the most feared Czars in Russian history.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Death of Ivans father

    Death of Ivans father
    This is significant because after Ivans father had died he had been nominated Grand Duke (a prince or nobleman ruling over a territory in certain European countries).
  • Feb 28, 1533

    Michel E. De Montaigne is born

    Michel E. De Montaigne is born
    Michel E. De Montaigne was a french moralist and creator of personal essays.
  • Apr 4, 1538

    Death of Ivans mother

    Death of Ivans mother
    Ivans mother had died when he was 7 years old. This left him as an orphan since his father had already died. He wasn't allowed to rule since he was so young. The people who ruled in his place had mistreated him and abused him. This had shaped the way he had acted as he grew up.
  • Jan 16, 1547

    Ivan had become the Czar of Russia

    Ivan had become the Czar of Russia
    Ivan had been pronounced the czar of Russia, he had made Russia into a world power because of the abundance of Siberias natural resources. He had left the political part of Russia in ruins, However he had made Russia a empire when her died.
  • Feb 10, 1547

    Ivan married Anastasiya

    Ivan married Anastasiya
    Ivan had married Anastasiya on this date. This is significant because she is gonna be one of the best people for him. She can calm him down when he is furious, and she also had given him6 children before her passing which may have been the worst thing to happen. Without her Ivan would fall into a natural state of uncontrollable anger.
  • Jan 1, 1556

    Akbar the Great becomes Mogul emperor of India

    Akbar the Great becomes Mogul emperor of India
    Akbar the great conquered Afghanistan, continues wars of conquest.
  • Feb 16, 1560

    Death of Anastasiya

    Death of Anastasiya
    Anastasiya was potentially poisoned, this had made Ivan more furious with the nobles, who he had accused for her death. He had tortured and executed some nobles without a trial to see if they were guilty or not.
  • Jan 1, 1564

    Ivan leaves Russia

    Ivan leaves Russia
    Ivan leaves Moscow because he wanted to give up his throne. He soon had to go back because Russia didn't have a leader.
  • Jan 1, 1565

    Ivan had created the Opritchniki

    Ivan had created the Opritchniki
    The Opritchniki was a group of 1,000-6,000 men that were responsible for taking care of the large scale destruction that Ivan inflicted during his rule.
  • Feb 10, 1567

    Death of Henry Stewart

    Death of Henry Stewart
    Henry Stewart was killed by strangulation at the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh.
  • Jan 1, 1570

    Turks attack Cyprus and war on Venice

    Turks attack Cyprus and war on Venice
    Turkish fleet defeated at Battle of Lepanto by Spanish and Italian fleets. Peace of Constantinople ends Turkish attacks on Europe.
  • May 24, 1571

    Moscow Burns in great fire

    Moscow Burns in great fire
    A great fire had burned most of Moscow and killed around 200,000 people.
  • Jan 10, 1581

    Ivan The Terrible murders his only son

    Ivan The Terrible murders his only son
    Ivan the Terrible and his son had gotten into a fight after Ivan had beaten up his sons wife because he didn't like the clothes she wore, this led to her pregnancy ending in a miscarriage. Ivan had gotten so furious from the argument that he struck his son in the head with a metal-tipped staff. His son had died after that due to fatal wounds. This was significant because he had become traumatized after this event.
  • Death of Ivan the Terrible

    Death of Ivan the Terrible
    Ivan the terrible had died due to a stroke. He had called for witches to try to preserve him but to none had succeeded. It's important that he died because he had kind of messed up Russia and they needed a new person to take control and re-build what he destroyed.