Ivan the Terrible

By bobble
  • Mar 4, 1530

    Ivan is Born

  • Apr 27, 1533

    Ivan's Father Dies

  • Mar 2, 1538

    Mother' death

    Ivan's mother, Yelena Glinskaya, dies in 1538. She was supposedly poisoned.
  • 1547

    Great Fire

    The Great Fire begins burning down 2/3 of the houses in Moscow
  • May 7, 1547

    Ivan is married

    In 1547 Ivan marries Anastasia Romanovna
  • Mar 6, 1552

    Ivan captures Kazan

    In 1552 Ivan captures the city of Kazan
  • May 13, 1553

    Moscow Print Yard in Established

    In 1553 Ivan orders the first printing press to be made
  • May 4, 1558

    Livonian war begins

    The Livonia war begins as Ivan looks to overrun Livonia in order to obtain easy access to the Baltic Sea.
  • Apr 3, 1560

    Ivan's wife dies

    Thirteen years after their marriage in 1560 Ivan's spouse, Anastasia Romanovna, dies.
  • Aug 24, 1561

    St. Basil's Cathedral

    In 1561 St. Basil's Cathedral is created in red square in order to honor the military victories over the Tatars.
  • Livonian War Ends

    The Livonian War ends in 1538 with the signing of a Peace Treaty.
  • Ivan dies

  • The Times of Troubles Begin

    In 1598 Fyodor Dostoyevsky the Russian novelist and successor to Ivan dies, this starts the Times of Troubles as