Ivan the Terrible

By Jtipp3
  • 1538

    Elena Grinskaya (Ivan's Mom) dies

    Elena Grinskaya (Ivan's Mom) dies
  • 1547

    Good Period Starts

    Gained land and ruled justly
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    Anastasia Dies (Ivan's Wife)

    Anastasia Dies (Ivan's Wife)
    Ivan thinks that the Boyars poisoned her.
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    Bad period starts

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    Creates police force

    Creates police force
    After his wife dies, Ivan establishes a police force to kill anyone he thinks a terrorist
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    St. Basil's Cathdral was built

    St. Basil's Cathdral was built
    Ivan thought it was so beautiful that he made all architecture that built it blind so that they could not build anything better.
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    Ivan the Terrible murdered his son Ivan

    Ivan the Terrible murdered his son Ivan
    Ivan murdered his oldest and most capable son to be next in line for the crown.
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    All wifes died

    All 8 of Ivan's wives have died by this time.
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    Ivan hit his daughter

    Ivan hit his pregnant daughter in-law because he thought she was not dressed properly and this caused a miscarriage.
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    Gets Nicknamed "Grozny"

    The definition/translation of Grozny is dangerous, fearsome and creating terror.