Aug 25, 1530
Aug 25, 1530
This is where Ivan the Terrible was born. Kolomenskoye was the town that Ivan was born. -
Dec 3, 1533
Ivans dad dies
Ivan's dad died of leg abscess, Ivan was only 3 years old. -
Apr 13, 1538
Ivans mom died
5 years later Ivan's mother died of poison. Ivan was only when it had 7. This impacted Ivan life a lot. He didn`t have family because his mom killed them. He became depressed and was lock up. He became more aggressive. -
Jan 2, 1547
Ivan married anastasia
Anastasia was Ivan's first wife he married. -
Jan 16, 1547
Ivan Becomes the ruler of Russia
In 1547 Ivan was crowned tsar of Muscovy. -
Jun 8, 1552
Ivan wins the victory of Kazan
After winning this victory Ivan got the name Gronzy- meaning the terrible. With this win ,he was claiming more land. -
Ivan kills his son
November 19, 1582 his pregnant daughter-in-law Elena appeared immodestly dressed and Ivan attacked and caused her to miscarry. His son Ivan Ivanovich rose to defend his wife, whereupon the tsar killed his son. -
Ivan dies
Ivan suffered from mercury poisoning