Ivan iv

Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584)

  • Dec 12, 1533

    The beginning of Ivan's reign

    The beginning of Ivan's reign
    Ivan father dies and he is left as Grand Prince of Moscow at the age of 3 but does not actually get to rule because of his young age. Giving him not much influence of his father to rule Russia
  • Jan 16, 1547

    Ivan the Tsar of Russia

    Ivan the Tsar of Russia
    Ivan IV turns 16 and is crowned as the first Tsar of Russia. Since he was so young his early good years were mostly influenced by boyars that helped him out and took a big part in his decision making.
  • Jan 27, 1560

    Death of First Wife

    Death of First Wife
    His first wife Anastasia Romanovna died and this became a big impact on Ivan. It is when he lost the trust of his boyars and is influenced by the belief that the boyars are traitors and he should have all the power. Her death had left him in depression and delusional.
  • Apr 12, 1565

    The establishment of Oprichnina

    The establishment of Oprichnina
    Ivan IV established his own secret police as an absolute ruler who killed many boyars and their families. Influenced him to become more powerful and want power even more and more. Which meant he wanted to acquire more land from others.
  • Jul 17, 1581

    The Killing of his son

    The Killing of his son
    Ivan the Terrible kills his eldest son whom was heir to the throne. The influence left a big impact on his country making it so that Russia's next ruler would be his weaker son whom was not ready.