Ivan the terrible

Ivan the Terrible

  • Dec 4, 1533

    Father's Death

    Father's Death
    3 years after Ivan's birth his father, Basil III, died.
  • Period: 1538 to 1547

    Power struggle

    Everyone struggle for power after his mother's death.
  • Aug 19, 1538

    Mother's Death

    Mother's Death
    His mother, Elena Glinskaya, ruled as regent until her death in 1538, Ivan was 8.
  • Feb 17, 1547


    Ivan got crowned and married Anastasia Romanovna in the same day.
  • Sep 28, 1552

    Conquest 1

    Conquest 1
    Ivan's first conquest was Astrakhan in 1552
  • Jun 23, 1556

    Conqeust 2

    Conqeust 2
    Ivan's 2nd conquest was against Kazan on 1556.
  • Dec 12, 1560

    Wife's Death

    On 1560 his wife died, he speculates that she was poisoned and this sent him into a depression and he started acting out.
  • 1561

    Married around

    After his first wife's death he married around.
  • Son

    At this time he died and his son gained power but Russia spiraled into a power struggle.
  • Mental

    Ivan became obsessed with death and called upon all "creatures" to prevent his.