
Chp 14 Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 1550 to


    Important events in the history of France and Russia throughtout the years 1550-1715.
  • Oct 2, 1552

    The Siege of Kazan

    The Siege of Kazan
    A huge siege army led by Ivan IV successfully takes the Tatar city of Kazan.60,000-100,000 Russian prisoners and slaves were released and the lands of the Khanate of Kazan were added to the Tsardom of Russia.
  • Jan 1, 1558

    The Livonian War

    The Livonian War
    Russia squares off against Livonia,Poland,Lithuania, Sweden, and Denmark-Norway amongst other opposing allies in a war for control of Livonia.Being outmatched they lose the war 5 years later.
  • Jan 7, 1570

    The Sack of Novgorod

    The Sack of Novgorod
    Ivan IV, suspicious of local leaders in Novgorod, orders the Oprichniki to attack the city.Around 2000-3000 were probably killed in one of Ivan's own cities.
  • Aug 23, 1572

    St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
    After the failed assassination of Huguenot leader Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, Catholic mobs unleash a wave of violence upon Huguenots in Paris that lasts several weeks and spreads thoroughout France.This was one of the deadliest flashpoints of the French Wars of Religion, with modern estimates giving a death toll of 5,000-30,000.
  • The coronation of Henry IV

    The coronation of Henry IV
    Henry of Navarre, a Huguenot, had gained the throne of France in 1589.5 years later, he is officially recognized as Henry IV, king of France, when he is crowned in the Cathedral of Chartres.This would begin the end of the French Wars of Religion which had divided France for the past 30 years.
  • The Time of Troubles

    The Time of Troubles
    After the last of the Rurik rulers, Feodor Ivanovich, dies with no heir, Russia falls into a perioud of disorder and many problems for the next 15 years.The period was marked by a famine in 1601-1603 that killed 2 million people, uprisings, conspiracies, and an occupation by the Poles.It did not end until 1613 when the Romanov dynasty was established.
  • The Edict of Nantes

    The Edict of Nantes
    Henry IV, king of France, issues the Edict of Nantes which recognizes Catholicism as the official religion of France yet still gives Huguenots the right to worship and hold public offices.
  • The Romanov Dynasty is established

    The Romanov Dynasty is established
    Michael Romanov becomes czar, ending the Time of Troubles and starting the Romanov dynasty which would rule Russia until the Bolshevik Revolution when the Soviet Union was formed and monarchs no longer ruled the nation.
  • Cardinal Richelieu is appointed minister

    Cardinal Richelieu is appointed minister
    Cardinal Richelieu is appointed to the council of ministers in the government of Louis XIII.At the time Louis was only 13, and Richelieu took over much of his responsibilites and powers of a king.During the king's reign, the Cardinal would be a chief figure in France that would turn the nation into a strong centralized state.
  • Cardinal Mazarin becomes Chief Minister

    Cardinal Mazarin becomes Chief Minister
    After the office of Cardinal Richelieu, another Catholic official would become chief minister of France.Cardinal Mazarin would govern France for Louis XIV until he was 23.He ended a revolt led by nobles and ensured France would be stable for the reign of Louis XIV.
  • The Battle of Rocroi

    The Battle of Rocroi
    The French are victorious against the Habsburg Spanish after this battle fought in Northeastern France late in the Thirty Years' War.It put an end to the growth of Spain's military and was France's greatest victory against the Habsburg Empire.
  • Louis XIV gains true power

    Louis XIV gains true power
    When Louis XIV was 23, his main minister, Cardinal Mazarin, dies.This allows Louis to gain true control over France, as he had nominally been king since the age of four, but would not personally rule until now.During his reign, he would be called "the Sun King" and would be the greatest absolutist ruler in Europe.
  • The Royal Court is moved to Versailles

    The Royal Court is moved to Versailles
    Louis XIV officially establishes his court at the palace of Versailles near Paris.The palace was a luxurious place filled with art and the nobility, yet it would become a symbol of the corrupt aristocrats years later during the French Revolution.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter the Great becomes czar.He was one of Russia's greatest and most powerful rulers, making many improvements for the country that would westernize it and turn it into a great European power.
  • The Russian Navy

    The Russian Navy
    Peter the Great founded the Russian Navy during Russo-Turkish War, originally having 2 warships, 4 fireships, 23 galleys, and 1300 strugs.It has continued to exist into the present in all its different forms.
  • Battle of Narva

    Battle of Narva
    Russia is defeated by Swedish forces led by Charles XII as they besiege the city of Narva in modern-day Estonia.It was an early battle of the Great Northern War, and Peter would take the city in a second battle 4 years later.
  • The Baltic Fleet

    The Baltic Fleet
    Peter the Great created the Baltic Fleet during the Great Northern War.It has remained as a powerful presence in the Baltic Sea and its headquarters are today in Kaliningrad.
  • Saint Petersburg

    Saint Petersburg
    Peter the Great founds Saint Petersburg, his "window to the West".For all but four years, the city would be the capital of the Russian Empire until 1918.It was an important port and today is the second largest city in Russia.
  • The Battle of Blenheim

    The Battle of Blenheim
    France is defeated by Grand Alliance forces led by the Duke of Marlborough.This was one of the most important battles of the Spanish War of Succession and ensured the safety of Vienna while knocking Bavaria out of the war, both severely hindering France's efforts at an easy victory.
  • The death of Louis XIV

    The death of Louis XIV
    At the age of 76, Louis XIV dies.He tells his 5 year-old great-grandoson, his heir, to remain peacuful and frugal, ways in which he did not rule France.This is the end to hsi 72 year reign, which was the longest of monarchs of major countries in the history of Europe.