Ivan the Terrible

  • Jan 1, 1533

    Ivan the Terrible's father dies

    Ivan the Terrible's father dies
    His father (Vasili III of Russia) died so Ivan came to throne at 3 years old.
  • Period: 1533 to 1546

    Boyars disrupted Ivan's young life

    Struggles for power among Russia's landowning nobles arose.
  • 1538

    Ivan's mother died

    Ivan's mother died when he was 8 years old. Between when his father died and this, his mother was ruling under Ivan's name.
  • Period: 1547 to 1559

    Ivans good period

    Ivan won victories, added land, gave Russia a code of laws and ruled well
  • Feb 1, 1547

    Ivan marries

    Ivan marries
    Ivan the Terrible marries Anastasia Romanova.
  • 1549

    Ivan seized power

    At 16 years old, Ivan crowned himself czar.
  • Jan 1, 1560

    Anastasia dies

    Ivan's wife passes away, which starts Ivan the Terrible's bad period.
  • Period: 1560 to

    Ivan's bad period

    Ivan accuses the boyars for poisoning his wife so he organizes a police force to murder people Ivan considered not loyal and traitors. His police force dressed in black and rode black horses. They executed thousands on boyars who worked on lands, along with their families. The boayars' estates were given to a new class of nobles, but they must remain loyal to keep the land and stay alive.
  • 1570

    forms police force to execute those who are not loyal

    forms police force to execute those who are not loyal
  • 1581

    Ivan killed his son

    Ivan killed his oldest son and heir
  • Ivan dies

    Ivan died leaving his second and weaker son to rule
  • Period: to

    Russia's Time of Troubles

    Ivan's second son was proven to be mentally and physically incapable of ruling and dies without an heir. The boyars struggled for power and heirs of czars died under mysterious conditions. Several imposters tried to claim the throne
  • Michael Romanov chosen as next czar

    Representatives from many Russian cities chose the next czar. The chosen one was Michael Romanov who was the grandnephew of Ivan's wife Anastasia.
    This began the Romanov dynasty which ruled Russia for the next 300 years (1613-1917)