Ivan 2

Ivan the Terrible

  • 1533

    Ivan Becomes King and his father dies

    Ivan Becomes King and his father dies
  • 1538

    Ivan's mother dies

    Ivan's mother dies
    death was determined by poison she had ruled with Ivan till she died which
  • Period: 1547 to

    Ivan rules as the first proclaimed Tsar of Russia

    before 1547 Ivan was just king of Russia
  • Feb 4, 1547

    Ivan Marries Anastasia

    Ivan Marries Anastasia
    1st wife of 7
  • 1549

    Ivan appointed the council of adviser

    Ivan appointed the council of adviser
  • 1550

    revised the law code the Sudebnik

    revised the law code the Sudebnik
    which initiated a standing army Known as the streltsy. This army would help him in the future military conquest
  • Period: 1552 to 1556

    Ivan fights and defeats the Kazan

  • 1556

    Oprichnina is established

    Oprichnina is established
    this made Ivan paranoid and unstable by letting go 100 Boyars
  • 1560

    Ivan's first wife dies

    Ivan's first wife dies
    this sets Ivan into a time of medieval Russia and his sons survive
    the photo is Feodor his son who ruled as the next Tsar of Russia
  • 1564

    Absolutism is established in Russia

    Absolutism is established in Russia
    during the 1560's Russia was suffering and the boyars beg Ivan to restore peace
  • Nov 16, 1581

    Ivan the Terrible kills his son

    Ivan the Terrible kills his son
    during one of these mad killings Ivan had killed his son over a dispute